Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The G Factor in Action

By An Anonymous Correspondent
add1dda@aol.com <add1dda@aol.com>
tue, jan 24, 2023 10:53 pm

The G Factor in Action

The woman cannot be a Darwin Award contender because she has already procreated and leaves behind three children (whose father(s) go unmentioned in the articles).

It's a safe assumption that an employee so willfully negligent had no business being near an airplane but was hired nevertheless under affirmative action. We can at least be thankful that she killed only herself and not anyone else on the plane.. 

The story calls to mind the old music-hall ditty sung  by Julie Andrews: Don't Go in the Lion's Cage Tonight

From Your Anonymous Correspondent


  1. Can they try that on a larger scale in a test city like Chicago or Baltimore? If the powers that be desire,they could fly jets at a low altitude and then suck the blacks on the ground into giant breathable bags and quickly take them to an African jungle for dropoff.A few thousand flights could make Chicongo White again,lol.


  2. Could her judgment have been impaired by drugs? It would probably be hard to tell from a post-mortem since the plane engine may have acted like a giant blender and “liquidated” her.
