Thursday, January 05, 2023

sweden rocked by multiple shootings as diverse crime wave carries into New Year

wed, Jan 4, 2023 5:02 p.m.

sweden rocked by multiple shootings as historic crime wave carries into New Year

I visited Scandinavian 40 years ago.
Bergen, Norway, Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki.
All were spotlessly clean, lily white and crime-free.
What changed?
Must be the white trash with the names of Ollie and Sven.
Must be.
Below is from an email I sent on Saturday, December 6, 2014.
I've been to Sweden.  It was when I was a student in Rome, Italy in the fall of 1978.  I and a few classmates spent the week of our autumn break in Scandinavia. 

We first traveled by train to Oslo.  We then took the overnight train from Oslo to Bergen on Norway's west coast.   Then we doubled back to Oslo and went on via train to Stockholm.   From Stockholm we traveled to Helsinki via a ro-ro ferry.

I found Bergen to be stunningly picturesque.  Gorgeous, actually, as we came in at night.  

The train from Oslo had to cross over a low mountain range in order to reach Bergen, its final destination.  Once over the range the lights of Bergen popped into view.  Then as the train snaked down the mountain I could see Bergen proper spread amongst a fjord.   The sea surrounding the town was lit by Bergen's lights and its own luminescence.

Oslo was clean, safe, orderly and tidy.

Ditto Stockholm.

Likewise Helsinki.

Now places in Sweden are no-go zones for the police.

What changed since my visit?

Sweden's demographics.


  1. I was going to ask:How many of the perps have blond hair?


  2. Those Scandinavian countries doomed every last one of them there is never going to be a resolution to this problem that one man suggested paying each and everyone of the so-called refugees $100,000 each to just return home but none of them ever seem to do that nor would it government ever say that should be done Sweden among all probably doomed

    Yes go back home is probably the best solution
