Wednesday, January 04, 2023

ca diversity: pasadena's "dr. patel' drives fambly off devil's side cliff

By "W"
wed, jan 4, 2023 2:33 a.m.

ca diversity: pasadena's "dr. patel' drives fambly off devil's side cliff

while I am sure we have a lot to learn from the people of india, I still think the ones here in the (former) usa should be repatriated and a total moratorium on future india-paki arrivals be enacted.


  1. jerry pdx
    I noticed some news stories about the Florida Keys being swamped with boat migrants. 500 Cuban migrants and 200 Haitian ones according to this article:
    Article also mentions men "and women" but when I scanned through photos it was clear these migrants are the usual 90-99% young male ratio with very few women, children or old people. I saw a TV news report where a Cuban looking news guy told the audience they were all escaping "extreme violence" and other assorted horrors, though he didn't explain why women and children were being left behind while the young men all escaped.

    I've always thought it would be fun to live in the Florida Keys, having been stuck in rainy, gloomy Portland all my life the idea of sunshine most of the time seems like paradise. I wonder how many of these guys will be given money, housing and other handouts to live a life they didn't earn in a place they don't belong.

  2. There is an old joke that DWC (driving while Chinese) is worse than DWI (driving while intoxicated). While it is true you see a lot of bad Chinese driving--like making a left turn from the far right lane on a three lane road or backing up on the freeway because they missed an exit--Indians combine bad driving with aggressive driving--the worse of both worlds. In comparison, Chinese drivers are generally just inept--not aggressive. Indians here are often arrogant and believe themselves superior to Americans--they only come here for the money--not to become Americans. It is rare for Indians to socialize with non-Indians--they are very big on parties--but only invite other Indians of the right caste.

  3. jerry pdx
    250 ft. fall off the side of a cliff? Amazing anybody survived but they all did. It was a Tesla and this speaks well to the ability of that car to withstand impact and protect passengers, plus it didn't blow up in flames as Tesla's are reputed to do. Reminds me of when I was rear ended by a drunken Mex doing possibly 100 mph. in my Honda Accord. I still remember the impact and careening wildly out of control but the seat belt locked down and kept me molded against the seat so I didn't get flung around the interior. If this "Dr." Patel had realized how well a Tesla's safety systems work he may well have chosen a different way to off his family and himself.

  4. Holy sh*t,Jerry,I'm surprised you survived that one.I was hit by a drunk Mex too--took him to court for criminal charges.Mine was at a city intersection after I got out of work.

    He was found guilty--license taken away(he had no insurance).As the female prosecutor and I walked out of the elevator,she looked out the window and saw him driving by.

    She shrugged.

    I said,if I was her,I'd have called the cops to pick him up and put him in jail.

    She shrugged again.

    Case closed.

