Tuesday, January 31, 2023

bomb and gun threats called in to two san francisco Jewish high schools—but were they hoaxes?

By N.S.

Since such incidents are so often hoaxes, I always go with hoax as choice #1. (Note, too, that the caller’s telephone was traced to wisconsin.) This “thing,” in Jweekly, was itself of dubious credibility, because its author, “J.Staff,” went with the “strength in numbers” and “alliance” tactics, respectively. she/he/it cited terrorist threats against hbcus (historically black colleges and universities) and Jccs (Jewish community centers), as if that bolstered the credibility of the report of such threats against two Jewish schools in the san francisco area.

In fact, citing hbcus and Jccs only destroyed the credibility of the instant “thing.”

I’ve never heard of a “terrorist threat” against a black supremacist college or university that wasn’t a hoax—each time, the media, law enforcement, and black supremacist activists “move on” without saying what really happened, and back in 2017, the same young tech whiz US-Israeli Jew, Michael Kadar, had called in hundreds of such hoaxes against American and canadian Jccs from Israel. (And then, while in prison awaiting trial in Israel, Kadar is believed to have called in over 100 threats against Jewish schools there!)

“Kadar’s parents and lawyer have not disputed his involvement in the bomb threats but asserted in his defense that he has a brain tumor and a low IQ.” I believe the word is “chutzpah.”)

The author of the “thing” below mentioned none of that. Ditto for the msm, law enforcement, and activists at places like the adl.

google has only permitted 669 hits for “bomb threats against JCCs.”

When Kadar was convicted of the threats against American and canadian Jccs, Jcc association of north america president and ceo Doron Krakow responded, as if the threats had all been real.

The same year, 31-year-old, black “journalist” Juan Thompson called in a dozen such threats to Jccs in the U.S.

Michael Kadar was sentenced to ten years in prison. Juan Thompson was sentenced to only half as much time.

“bomb and gun threats called in to Jchs and kehillah Jewish high schools.”


  1. Real bombers never phone a warning.


  2. jerry pdx
    For a mere $95 you can hear Bernie Sanders lecture on the evils of capitalism at a dinner promoting his new book: “It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism”


    Anybody else find that to be hilariously ironic?

    Ok, the Bernmeister is going to tell us that money is root of all evil...fine, maybe we can find some common ground in there somewhere but the hypocrisy of telling us that making money and the rich are evil while helping the globalists accumulate vast amounts of wealth by promoting "Green Energy", mass immigration and vaccination hysteria reveals how deeply fraudulent and venal he is.

    Of course, politicos charge big bucks for speaking fees, the Clinton's are the top of the heap in that regard charging 200K for one engagement but I don't think they are so explicitly anti capitalist. If Bernie was truly altruistic he should just speak for free, or give any money he makes to charities.

  3. I have often thought these left groups such as SPLC, ADL, all organize this stuff. Do so to get headlines and provoke with the agent provocateur.

  4. I forgot to include Bernie in my death pool choices for this year.

    I'll bet,for $300,Bernie will make a fake bomb threat to any school in the country--he's THAT kind of commie capitalist.

    For $20,he'll send you a Bernie nose hair.

    For $60,a questionable skin growth that he had tested--mailed to your door.

    For $100,a pair of his old glasses(lenses not included).

    For $500,Bernie DNA fluid to use for artificial semination purposes(waiver signed to eliminate child support).

    For $5000...let's not go there.

