Monday, December 19, 2022

White Man Commits Hari-Kari, by Imitating japanese; racist, ugly asian, fake reporter seeks to stir up lynch mob against him


“leo was suspended and stripped of his gun and badge in september for refusing to participate in swat raids against January 6th subjects accused of misdemeanor offenses.”]

By Anonymous

sunday, december 18, 2022 at 8:20:00 p.m. est

That’s a fact, Jack! We now live in a totally corrupt, banana republic. I used to think our country was different—it was a country with the rule of law—not of men—unlike corrupt countries in most of the world. But no more.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, december 18, 2022 at 8:54:00 p.m. est

Not only corrupt but messed up in the head—collectively.

The problem with all of this, is the people who DON’T think in a bizarre way, are silent for whatever reason.

Here’s how crazy everything has gotten: A White, Purdue school administrator is under fire to resign “after imitating an Asian speaker, who spoke before him,” at a school ceremony.

I didn’t see the clip, but he quickly apologized (begging to keep his job, basically).

nbc is on this like White on rice (an Asian specialty) and their report appeared to be an attempt to inflame enough people to call for his ouster (“Another White Bites The Dust?”)

Some of the funniest impressions that are out there,are of ethnic accents--you can't imitate someone if you don't have an authentic one.

Imitation is (or WAS) the sincerest form of flattery, but not in Wokesville, USA.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, december 19, 2022 at 1:02:00 a.m. est

By Kimmy Yam

(nbcnews) “Thomas L. Keon, chancellor of purdue university northwest in indiana, has apologized after a racist display on stage at the school’s winter commencement ceremony.

Keon issued the apology Wednesday after he was criticized for mocking Asian languages in an apparent impression, saying the made-up words were an “Asian version” of a previous speech, at the event for the school’s summer and fall graduates.

“On Saturday, December 10, during one of our two PNW Commencement ceremonies, I made a comment that was offensive and insensitive,” Keon wrote in a statement Wednesday. “I am truly sorry for my unplanned, off-the-cuff response to another speaker, as my words have caused confusion, pain, and anger.”

[GRA: Meaning, “Let me keep my cush job—PLEASE!”]

The school, a regional public university, did not respond to a request for comment, but directed nbc news to Keon’s statement. Keon also did not respond to a request for comment.

[GRA: nbc’s Kimmy Yam is on it—and will get him exterminated.]

“moments before the incident on stage, radio host James Dedelow spoke to graduates about free speech, as seen in a livestream of the ceremony. at one point in his speech, Dedelow mentions a ‘made-up’ language he sometimes uses on-air and with family. Keon took the podium afterward and announced, ‘Well, all I can say is,’ before launching into indistinguishable phrases.

“‘That’s sort of my asian version of his,’ Keon said, laughing.

[GRA: Who’s raughing now, White man?]

“Keon received the Giving Back Award in 2016 for his ‘commitment to diversity and inclusion,’ according to the magazine insight into diversity, which gave him the accolade. purdue university northwest was ranked in the top 20 midwest regional universities for campus ethnic diversity [N.S.: anti-White racial discrimination] by u.s. news & world report for the 2022-2023 school year.”

GRA: Brings to mind Don Rickles—not so long ago—who would see a Jap in the audience and say, “Four years in the jungle—I was looking for your uncle.” Among other hilarious things.


N.S.: When I was a college student, one of my acting teachers taught us about “Cremelo” (sp.?), a clown’s comic, nonsense language, which a performer will express to sound like a particular real language. Cremelo is apparently not in ugly asian Kimmy Yam’s bag of anti-White, racist talking points.


  1. The interesting thing to me--the next phase this is going(or here)is if you attempt to merely impersonate/imitate another person,of another race's voice,it's grounds for discipline.This only applies to Whites I assume though.

    There aren't many impressionists around anymore(there's no one to impersonate,except the older actors and politicians)--maybe Frank Calliendo or a still active Rich Little--but I take it,if someone imitated "the Godfather",they'd get a call from the Italian Anti-Defamation group;If you imitate Speedy Gonzales,a Mex group will try to fire you;Imitate a black and the naacp or blm will come for you and your job.

    When the country was 95% White,everyone imitated everyone--and it was hilarious.There were entire sections of bookstores of strictly Polish jokes,Italian,Jew and every other type of ethnic humor.I still have a couple of them.

    Rickles used to imitate mobsters,Asians,blacks("There's a black in the audience sayin' I'm gonna rob your hotel room in 5 minutes,Jew")IN their voice--and it was hilarious.You go on YouTube and view the Dean Martin Roasts and there are blacks in the comments section, who appear to love Rickles' jokes about blacks.

    Why not--they're funny and on the mark.

    On "The Simpsons" ,two years ago,a REAL Indian was hired to do Apu's voice--and the White who HAD imitated the Indian voice for 25 years--was replaced.

    We're rapidly losing our sense of humor in this country--and WITH IT--the country itself.


  2. People have become so thin-skinned and easily offended--or sometimes make believe they are offended to get one up on Whites. An Asian judge got in trouble for asking another Asian who appeared before him something like, "Which flavor are you?" He meant--Chinese, Vietnamese, or other. I suppose if he had asked, "What ethnic background are you?"it might have been okay--but he attempted a little humor by saying "flavor" and the crap hit the fan. There is a class of humor in New Mexico called "Espanola Jokes." Espanola is an almost entirely Hispanic town north of Santa Fe which has been called "The low-rider capital of the world." These jokes are now off limits at Los Alamos labs for fear of offending Hispanics. I used to work for a Hispanic-owned firm with a couple guys from Espanola. One had a print of the famous painting, "Hogs killing a rattlesnake"--which shows a bunch of frenzied hogs in the process of destroying a rattlesnake. But this Espanola guy had labeled it "Espanola Saturday Night." If he had been a White guy at a government employer you can be the crap would have hit the fan.

  3. I think he is turning Japanese. - RC

  4. Him want make jokey joke Asian no like jokey joke white man him get punished jokey joke no go over well as jokey joke make Asian man mad

    no one knows say what jokey joke is me want hear jokey joke

  5. I have said this many times before in the future it will only be safe to make jokes about Appalachian whites and Polish people


    CHICAGO (CBS)-- A controversy is growing at Purdue University Northwest in Hammond, Indiana.

    The school's faculty senate is demanding the resignation of chancellor and CEO Thomas Keon after comments he made during commencement.

    It started back on December 10 when Keon mocked Asian languages during his speech. The executive committee says his behavior was inexcusable and insulted Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders.

    Keon has since apologized, saying he made an off-the-cuff comment that was offensive and insensitive.

    GRA:Kimmy Yam must be soaking wet.


  7. Elon Musk claims massive fraud in Twitter CEO vote.


    (yahoo)The letter from the faculty stated that Keon's inappropriate conduct "caused national and international outrage" and "does not reflect the diversity and inclusiveness that Purdue faculty, staff, and
    students value."

    (GRA:Diversity--by definition-- includes EVERYONE--including Keon--correct?)

    The demand for Keon's resignation stems from an incident that occurred during a Dec. 10 commencement ceremony, in which the chancellor spoke gibberish and called it an "Asian version" of a previous speaker's made-up language.

    A video of the inane gaffe quickly went viral, prompting an official apology from Keon on Dec. 14:

    GRA:Uptight effing world--no sense of humor anymore.

