Saturday, December 17, 2022

Tucker Carlson: “the CIA killed JFK”!

[“The President Has been Shot: 59 Years Ago, a Communist Assassinated John F. Kennedy.”]

By David in TN
saturday, december 17, 2022 at 4:05:00 p.m. est

The last two nights Tucker Carlson went on a rant of “The CIA killed JFK.” With all our current problems, Carlson insists on useless blubbering about the Kennedy assassination.

This is popular among “conservatives.” Gateway Pundit picked up on it and the commenters lapped it up. The connection they make is the “Deep State” killed JFK and rigged the 2020 election to beat Trump.

Our friend Countenance has observed that people on the Right who believe the Deep State killed JFK think he wasn’t a member of it. JFK was actually a full-fledged member of the liberal establishment at the time of his death.

A few years ago I had an exchange with Ron Unz on the Unz Review comment section. I said the Deep State would have ensnared JFK in a sex scandal, had they wanted to destroy his Presidency, like the Profumo Affair. John Profumo was the British Minister of War forced to resign in 1963 for sharing Christine Keeler with a Soviet military attaché.

Rather than making JFK a martyr, they would have destroyed his reputation. Why risk the electric chair? Unz spluttered something like, “It was against the rules to mention sex in those days.”

Well, was it in the rules to kill the President of the United States?

By the way, Ron Unz seemed to agree with many of the commenters thinking the israelis were behind the assassination.

N.S.: All you need to know about Ron Unz is that he runs everything Andrew Anglin writes, but when I wrote him (during one of my exiles to siberia, courtesy of Peter Brimelow), asking him to run my work, he ignored me.

While it is true that Unz runs the exceedingly rare articles of mine that Peter Brimelow publishes and pays for, I have no doubt that that’s because Peter asked him to.

Behind the scenes, White nationalist publishers show great unity.

As for Tucker, two points: running Deep State craziness regarding JFK is “safe” for him; and several years ago, a reliable source told me he’s familiar with my work, though he’d never admit to it. However, since then, I’ve been rendered almost completely invisible.


  1. Back then,I was a toddler,but I remember...

    The rumor I heard was that JFK's back pain and Crohn's were so bad that he paid Oswald to shoot him in the back of the head.I think I heard that on nbc...then they retracted it.and replaced that theory with the one where Jackie was so pissed off about her husband's philandering,that she asked the CIA if a boomerang gun had been invented yet--where you shoot a gun into the air and the bullet goes full circle around into the pre-programmed target(JFK).They said--"yes,we just invented it."

    nbc pulled that one and went with a one off assassination BY Oswald.

    All fine theories,but we're supposed to believe that Oswald was given free reign in an area around the president?

    Now,anyone breathes the wrong way and the government's after you.


  2. I'm sorry, I'm confused about who I am supposed to hate here. Brimelow publishes you but occasionally exiles you. Hey that's like Darrin McGavin on the Night Stalker. Unz - a nice Jewish boy - is behind Anglin, a misogynistic Nazi? Jesus, tell me Ann Coulter is a man. I am so disillusioned. I like your work but this is, as the gay man once said, a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty.

  3. I read Unz's website on a very regular basis and have often wondered about it the nice Jewish boy who gives a lot of credence to what people on a so-called American far-right think and say it seems way too good to be true even all says if this is a false flag operation and a part of some people who are either using Ron for their own purposes or run by Ron himself for his own purposes I just cannot say

    It does sound all too good and too cool to be true

  4. All these Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories always seem to Omit one possible suspect who is the person most likely to have committed the crime

    A rich man a cuckolded husband who desired revenge and got his revenge

    JFK was Notorious for banging wives of wealthy men who quite often were his patrons and contributed to his election campaigns Kennedy was extremely sexually promiscuous

  5. Suppose you had a debilitating fatal disease: would you spend your precious time treating one symptom of this disease or would you rather fight the entire disease? The problem with VDare is they only do immigration. Replacing White Americans with socialist third worlders who work cheap and vote Democrat is only one of an entire slew of efforts to destroy us. If we don't find a way to stop it, election fraud, the control of our medical system by government agencies, the medical establishment, and media; the man-made global warming (er--now, conveniently "climate change") hoax; digital currency, the surveillance state; etc. will destroy the freedom and prosperity we once knew. If the CIA was already corrupt back in the 60's, it is worth knowing--just like what the government did at Waco, Ruby Ridge, creating Covid, pushing the clot shot, suppressing effective treatments, etc. are important to know. I have not seen the Tucker show about the assassination, but there is plenty of evidence out there that there were CIA connections and mob connections involved. There are over 2,000 books about the assassination and much stuff on the internet. Here is just one tidbit--the surgeon who worked on Kennedy and stood by his head said the shot that killed him came from the front and exited out the back of his head indicating that that shot came from his front--not from the rear where Oswald was located. Conveniently the Warren Report contained no pictures of JFK's body--only drawings. The Warren Commission was not formed to find the truth, rather to convince the people that there was a lone gunman and Oswald did it. Much evidence was suppressed and an effort to publish a dissenting minority report was stomped on. Many people had reason to hate JFK--the Mafia which helped him steal the election felt betrayed when Attorney General Robert Kennedy went after them. Cubans felt betrayed when the promise to destroy Castro's air force on the ground was not done--American pilots had tears in their eyes as they watched the communist planes tear up the Bay of Pigs rebels while they watched helplessly with no ammunition allowed in their planes. More and more Americans are taking the red pill and waking up to the fact that our government is corrupt, lies, and is not on our side. If whatever Tucker is saying helps wake Americans up, so much the better.

  6. is certainly a mixed bag. I read it for 1) Steve Sailer’s articles + commenters 2) Paul Kersey + commenters 3) Ilana Mercer + commenters 2) Michelle Malkin (now lamentably absent 3) Derbyshire’s commenters—I read Derbyshire’s articles themselves first on VDare 4) Paul Craig Roberts, who doesn’t allow comments; I heard that he cut off that feature at because he cannot abide any criticism--i.e., is a sore loser.
    As for most of the other writers on, they are, to paraphrase the Mad Magazine masthead, “the usual gang of antisemites” [corrected from "idiots" for you].

  7. This Andrew Anglin owes 14 million dollars because of a civil lawsuit yet no one seems to be able to locate where the man is living or even if he is living for that matter

  8. Ron Unz is at it again. Today (Monday) he put out another post on the "subject." The commenters get more idiotic each time.

  9. Nicholas,

    I just sent you an email about David Cole's latest in which he rips Ron Unz. In particular, for running Andrew Anglin along with Holocaust denial.
