Wednesday, December 28, 2022

exclusive: what a difference a day makes! dramatic before-and-after photographs show how flood of foreign criminals crossing el paso border has reduced to a trickle after title 42 was extended 

By A Texas Reader
wed, dec 28, 2022 8:48 p.m.

"exclusive: what a difference a day makes! dramatic before and after photographs show how flood of migrants [sic] crossing el paso border has reduced to a trickle after Title 42 was extended

"Just 24 hours after the supreme court's announcement of the extension of title 42 on tuesday, migrant [sic] surges at the u.s.-mexico border already appear to be dropping off.


  1. From nbc's slanted coverage,all of them are wedged in El Paso streets like sardinos(mexican sardines).


  2. Stacked razor wire along the entire length of the border with a depth of 15 feet like it was in World War One at the front

  3. And I can’t ditch in front of the razor wire that first then the razor wire illegals will try to ram through the wire with some sort of armored car the illegal in this country is very imaginative specially of Smugglers That is a big business
