Saturday, December 17, 2022

four black female popeye's staffers commit hate crime beatdown against White, female customer (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

I tried to determine where and when this hate crime was committed, but couldn't. Apparently, racist hate crimes are committed by Popeye's staffers pretty frequently.


  1. ONE White going into a restaurant that's ALL black.

    What you DON'T DO.

    It's like putting a crawler on the hook of your fishing pole--in a stream full of catfish--and dropping your line in,

    You're going to "get a bite".

    She may have gotten bitten too,besides an as* whupping.

    blacks,in charge of a city,state or a crappy restaurant,get all full of themselves--making new rules--which might include getting Whitey.

    It'll happen more often,if you let blacks be in charge of the places I mentioned.



      The following is a conversation on ZH I ran across.

      My kid brother got attacked in downtown denver

      some jogger sucker punched him , knocked him out. they call it “polar bear hunting” or something retarded like that.

      4 hours ago
      Just happened in my city too. Two black young thugs did it to a 69 year old man. Kicked him in the head and ribs after they dropped him. Punched him from behind. My city is being flooded by blacks from the Hoods in Chicago and Milwaukee. Blacks are 8 % of the population here and responsible for 70% of the violent crime. If you complain, you are a racisss.


  2. jerry pdx
    The way she was hanging on to that black guy, that was beyond just protecting her, it was meant to be a taunt to the black women. She may have been with the guy when she walked into the place, and of course, black women hate white women who date black men. They likely gave her attitude when they saw yet another fat White chick with a black man and she gave it back, then it was on. They could have beat on her all they wanted, I wouldn't have cared.

    1. That's probably not her last beating of the month,Jerry.The blacks will corner her somewhere else(more private)and show her which race is running that neighborhood.Maybe they'll even kill her.


  3. I'm going to stop at Popeyes today and get the brand new blackened chicken sandwich supposed to be good
