Wednesday, December 28, 2022

breaking news: gop rep.-elect George Santos being probed by feds over origins of his alleged wealth

By N.S.
wed, dec 28, 2022 10:46 p.m.
breaking: rep.-elect George Santos being probed by feds over origins of his alleged wealth

At the page, I commented:

George Santos is an American hero! He hasn't been exposed; the fools who voted for him because they thought he was a homosexual or a descendant of “Holocaust survivors,” or rich have been. He has no money, no boyfriends (but a couple of ex-wives), and no Holocaust. I love it! And now the democrats are seeking to steal his seat, just like they stole the White House.


  1. Santo means saint doesn't it this man is hardly a Saint

  2. He LOOKS and ACTS as if he'd like being probed.

