Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Message to Elon Musk

By N.S.

(I sent this to Musk via twitter yesterday [@elonmusk], but can’t find my twits.)

Mr. Musk,

I. About ten years ago, I read an article which maintained that Twitter employed thousands of people, whose only job was to keep users under surveillance, and to censor and expel those whose opinions they hated. I can no longer find the article in question, but was the division its author spoke of, “Trust & Safety”?

II. I think it would be a big mistake for you to give up being Twitter CEO. What was the point of buying Twitter, if you’re going to hand control over to a bureaucrat?

I’ll let you know if he responds, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting.


  1. Last statistic I read said that Facebook alone employed about 2000 employees whose sole purpose was content moderation censorship in other words that is a heck of a lot of people just doing a task they probably should not have been doing.
