Sunday, October 30, 2022

raceless girl gang beats, stomps, and robs raceless, faceless teenaged girl in nyc subway station (video)

By David in TN
Just another day in the nyc subway system.

This attack was at a station in queens. The surveillance video shows the usual and/or typical suspects. The authorities ask for the public’s help.


  1. jerry pdx
    The actual facts of Pelosi attacker David DePape's life seem to contradict early reports that he was some kind of MAGA extremist:

    Yet, here is is portrayed as some kind of right wing nutjob:

    The evidence cited in the above article is that DePape had: "a reported history of posting far-right conspiracy theories about the election and the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol"

    CNN did an investigation that unearthed this information:

    Interestingly, there is a statement in the text of the article that says CNN was unable to confirm that two blogs were actually posted by David DePape.

  2. I expect arrests today--or cops don't want to.


  3. That big Shaniqua with the tints in her hair should be easy to spot.
