Saturday, October 29, 2022

queens republican politician Nicole Malliotakis argues that we should vote for Lee Zeldin for governor, in support of the police

By N.S.

cong. Nicole Malliotakis argues that we should vote for cong. Lee Zeldin for governor in november over non-elected incumbent democrat Kathy Hochul in support of the police, but that’s the worst possible reason. I’ve lived in NYC for 37 years, and have repeatedly been victimized by racist blacks, who almost always enjoyed the support of racist cops, most of whom were White. The nypd has for many years terrorized law-abiding Whites.

The racist nypd should be defunded, but only if the money is returned to taxpayers. I used to defend the cops, and I named my child after one, but that was a long time ago. Any time I defend a cop now, my family mocks me. “The job” went over to the dark side many years ago. Coppers want law-abiding, White citizens to support them, while they stab us in the back. “Back the blue”?! Only fools and republicans do that, if you’ll pardon the redundancy.

Back in 2017, when then-state assemblyman (since 2010) Malliotakis was the goper candidate for mayor, she offered only slightly milder positions than those of the openly racial socialist candidate, incumbent racial socialist kleptocrat, Warren Wilhelm Jr., aka Bill de Blasio, aka Bill de Blah Blah Blah, and refused to go toe-to-toe attacking Wilhelm’s racism, corruption, etc., so I skipped voting for mayor. You need to come up with a better argument, miss me-too republican Malliotakis.

“new yorkers need to protect cops — and themselves — by ousting Hochul & Co. this november.”

By Nicole Malliotakis
new york post
last updated September 27, 2022 1:55 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. The rank and file beat cop only following orders as he is given in a job that is quasi-military. The boss cops only following orders given to them by elected politicians. Those politicians beholden to demographics that hate law enforcement and hate law abiding citizens. There is where the blame is.
