Sunday, October 23, 2022

decriminalization… for some

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 11:50:00 a.m. edt

There’s an “under-the-radar” effort to decriminalize crimes—of all types (including the biggies: rape and murder), and if black cops and judges, and commie White prosecutors are allowed to control areas of law enforcement and criminal justice, you will see those cops, judges, and prosecutors look the other way in arresting, convicting, and sentencing minority criminals. It happens now, but wait...


N.S.: A major factor in this development, as in all aspects of America’s collapse, is the utter cowardice of Republicans and self-styled “conservatives.” For over 60 years, they have been completely dependent on the votes of White patriots, and for 60 years, they (and that includes President Trump) have given their voters… bupkus, while surrendering ever anew to black supremacists, White racial socialists, reconquistas, feminists, militant homosexualists, sexual psychopaths—you name it.


  1. Yes,the Repubes are going along for the ride to oblivion.



    NYC Health Department officials also debuted a new name for monkeypox this week, claiming that the term was 'stigmatizing' - though we would note that it only seems to be left-leaning politicians making this claim.

    The new name? MPV

    (GRA: Stands for Male Perversion Virus?)

    "The previous name is an inaccurate and stigmatizing label for a virus that is primarily affecting a community that has already suffered a long history of bigotry," said the health department, providing no examples. "Stigma is a shadow affliction that can follow viruses and drive people away from care, even when the illness itself is treatable," the city continued.

    GRA:I think it"s funny,anyways.

