Friday, September 16, 2022

Say Her Name

Say Her Name
By Peachy Keenan
The American Mind
September 14, 2022

“If I were a real MAGA extremist, I’d be able to tell you about a specific murder trend happening in America right now, but I don’t want to get on the fbi terror watch list….

“If I’d been shot last fall as I huddled on the carpet of my minivan, only the racists would have shed a tear. To everyone else, I would just have been another privileged White lady who dared to enter a neighborhood where I should have known I’d be unwelcome.

“The only murders that seem to get the big headlines—the ones that trigger tweets from important people like Mark Ruffalo and Katy Perry and LeBron James—are those that involve White school shooters and White police officers. America’s other victims simply do not matter. Another fifty shot in chicago? That’s just another way to say “saturday.” The guns did it, we must hunt down the guns that did it!

“When you are a dead member of the out group, your depraved rape and murder gets a shrug and an eye roll, if you’re lucky.

“The rush to minimize the crimes against the three young [White!] women I mentioned and swiftly memory-hole their names is appalling. They are not alone, of course.

“The last two years of ‘building back better’ have brought us an ocean of blood, a veritable murderpalooza raging across the country. Innocent victims of every race and age group have been slaughtered by a relatively small group of young [black!] men who always seem to have long arrest records, are newly released from prison thanks to democrat-funded das, and are feeling rested and ready to kill again. Or just crush some kids to death as they march in a Christmas parade.

“A mountain of skulls rises up in the public consciousness, but you must not look at it or draw attention to it. To do so is a crime worse than the killing. The lunatic gods must be appeased by daily, yet invisible, human sacrifice, and the mountain of skulls must grow much higher before they are sated. They’re saving a spot at the top for your skull, and those of your children, and your grandchildren. Nothing will stop the terror until its future victims demand it stop.

Brianna Kupfer.

Eliza Fletcher.

Allison Parker.

The list goes on. But don’t you dare say their names—someone might call you a racist.


  1. All true.This type of writing,however is not allowed a wide audience.What IS allowed though,is what I saw on "The Talk"(when I turned the TV on,it was on abc)and the panel of commies were talking about Marjorie Green--what a "racist witch" she was.

    Ana Navarro,a fat Mex,shrilly observed that,"Mexicans who are naturalized citizens are REAL Americans--like anyone else."

    In theory--yes.In practice--no--for many reasons:

    1)Mex don't speak English well enough--if at all--to be called Americans.The lack of learning English contributes to the concept of assimilation being an impossibility--not that Mex want to. It appears to me,they don't.

    2)They don't act like Americans.Mex have Mex rallies,festivals and other events which celebrate--not being American--but MEXICAN.

    3)Crime is prolific.I know this personally from the Mex neighbors I had evicted."Lowlifes" is an understatement. Their disregard for our laws,the buying of car insurance and even drivers licenses,shows them to be secretive--in those areas--and their perverse nature,sexually,is something which Mex seem to relish--whatever country they're living in.

    4)Uneducated--they contribute nothing to America--unless Mex restaurants are deemed a contribution(I could live without them easily--and I do.)

    5)Money.They take more than they give in terms of taxes paid vs welfare received.America loses out every time a Mex comes across the border.


  2. A list very long from the past, present, future. Unless something done to stop it.
