Thursday, September 15, 2022

Homer Simpson on martha's vineyard (graphic)

By R.C.
Thu, Sep 15, 2022 4:48 p.m.

Homer Simpson


  1. jerry pdx
    Martha's Vineyard homeless advocate (or should I say mouthpiece for the uber wealthy residents) says they don't have the long term resources to help the migrants so they will be shipped elsewhere.
    Didn't see that one coming did we?

  2. (Door opens)
    Marge:Look Maggie--daddy's home--hi,Homer.

    Homer:Hello,Marge-we have spics robbing people in the streets.


    Homer:They took everything off of Flanders but his underwear(laughs).Where's the boy?

    Marge:Beats me.He ran through the kitchen,after school,saying he was the Frito Bandito.


    (Knock on door-Homer opens it.)

    Chief Wiggums:Hello Simpson,I guess you heard about Ned.Just thought we'd check your house first--to look for his missing clothes.

    Homer:Me?You suspect ME?(halo appears over his head)

    Chief Wiggums:Get rid of that halo Simpson--you're the first person we suspect whenever Ned Flanders gets roughed up.

    Homer:Stupid fake halo never works.Wait a minute--you have hundreds of illegal Mexicans rampaging through the streets--and you come here and accuse me?

    Chief Wiggums:Simpson,If you were in my shoes--what would YOU do--go after a mob of lawless Mexicans--or YOU?


    (Wiggums looks around)

    Chief Wiggums:Well I can't see any of Ned's clothes,but I should arrest you for leaving your wife and kids in a house that's surrounded by violent Mexicans--but I'll just give you a $20 ticket.


    Chief Wiggums:Make it $30 for uttering a word no one else in the world uses.See ya Simpson--it looks like you might be getting some "roommates" soon.

    (Chief leaves)

    Homer:I wonder what he meant by that.

    (Door busts down--Mex pour in.)

    Homer:Stupid,psychic White police chief!

    Marge:Homer--HELP!They're stealing everything!

    Homer:Let's get out of here Marge--no wait--my rifle!Must...get...upstairs.

    (Homer digs through his closet,finds his rifle and fires shots in the air--all the Mex leave)

    Marge:Good job Homie,but our ceiling is ruined.

    Homer:That's why we have super bonus,extra insurance--for just such an occasion.

    Marge(reads policy):"Not covered for gunshot damage to the ceiling if illegal Mexicans were in the house within the last 24 hours."Everything else but that.

    (Chief Wiggums sticks his head in the doorway):$40 ticket if you say"DOH" again.

    Homer:Well in that case,(bleep).


