Saturday, September 24, 2022

fed continues to implode stocks—wealth destruction the goal; ‘we have to kill the economy, in order to save it’

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, September 23, 2022 at 11:16:00 a.m. edt

GRA: the s&p fell under 3700 this morning, as interest rates continue to skyrocket. the fed is threatening many more rate increases to kill the inflation caused by—the FED! This will also kill the economy (how bad is the question) and equities (how bad is the same question).

I’ve been waiting for this fed-forced market drop as a signal that the dems planned last stage of the u.s.’ destruction was at hand.

A nasty winter is ahead. I just got my budget bill for nat gas a couple days ago—up $23 a month to $125. Food prices continue to explode. A 5-lb. bag of potatoes is $7.00. stouffers’ dinners are $3.79, ground beef $6.50 a lb.

The fed blames the pandemic for inflation, but our response to the pandemic—by government—caused the inflation. Many rules, which caused employees to give up their jobs and destroy the supply chain is the main reason. Also, the massive increase in immigration—both legal and illegal—is forcing demand to overwhelm supply. These spics want to EAT!

There’s also massive greed by companies attempting to take advantage of the whole mess.

I fear the worst and hope for the best—which isn’t saying much.


N.S.: The dems have sought for years to destroy Whites’ assets through inflation. This was the strategy of the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” who, for all we know, is still in charge. After all, he’s the only “president” to ever stay on in d.c., after officially leaving office.

(Such a strategy won’t destroy White elites, who will have invested in stable foreign currencies, like the swiss franc, and insider trading.)

Since most blacks save nothing, dems will then celebrate that as “a step in the direction of equity.”

1 comment:

  1. Pandemic so called to blame for everything. Pandemic so called will be blamed for everything for all time.
