Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"‘democrats aren’t the only ones destroying farmers’: rep. MTG raffles texas hog-hunting trip"

By A Texas Reader
wed, sep 28, 2022 9:17 p.m.

"‘democrats aren’t the only ones destroying farmers’: rep. MTG raffles texas hog-hunting trip"

They’re both invasive species.

Feral hogs.

And democrats.

And only one is tasty, roasted on a spit. Feral hogs are running amok in texas.

Feral hogs kill horses.

They do so because the hogs root around in gardens and fields looking for tubers, vegetables, and insects.

The hogs dig holes and then horses will run through the field, get a hoof caught in one of the holes and promptly snap its leg. The horse then must be put down.

Many hunters donate the dead hogs to charity, for example, soup kitchens.


  1. Good comparison--Democrats have been breaking the country's legs for decades now.


  2. Most of the meat from the feral hogs is not very tasty. The males are not castrated and usually older animals. Most hogs butchered USA are at the max eighteen months old. More tasty. Those feral hogs do a great amount of damage. A sounder rooting will tear a landscape up as would a bulldozer.
