Monday, September 19, 2022

axe-wielding man who smashed up nyc mcdonald's and threatened diners freed from jail without bail - and gloats about it!

By David in TN
Mon, Sep 19, 2022 12:31 a.m.

axe-wielding man who smashed up nyc mcdonald's and threatened diners freed from jail without bail - and gloats about it!

David in TN: Isn't it great to live in new york city? Maybe law & order will do an episode on it.

N.S.: The supposedly conservative new york post backed black supremacist, nation of islam mayoral candidate, Eric Adams, who won the 2021 election, claiming that because he was a retired or fired nypd cop (stories differ), he could better reign in crime. But anyone familiar with his history, knew that he was the racist, black cop from hell.

The so-called dissident right/racial realists/White nationalists also did not want honest, muckraking reporting on new york city. Jared Taylor commissioned an expose from me on Adams 43 minutes after getting my proposal on May 13, 2021, only to cheat me on the publication and my pay. He clearly had never intended to honor his commitment. Jared occasionally publishes work on black supremacists, but only from inferior writers. Back in 2015, he stabbed White Officer Michael Slager in the back, condemning him, and shadow-banned yours truly at his threads. I don't know whom Jared seeks to help, but it sure isn't besieged White folks. I wrote him, "You have no honor."

[“Is the Black Supremacist Murder Cult, the Nation of Islam, Poised to Seize Power in New York City?”]


  1. The customers just sit there--waiting to be diced and sliced.


  2. The negro man made "advances" toward the female present and was denied. To deny the negro man when he made "advances" is so cruel to his ego. Negro men have an inflated ego.
