Tuesday, August 30, 2022

another aging hollywood "star" is a mudshark

By "W"
Tue, Aug 30, 2022 11:42 a.m.

another aging hollywood "star" is a mudshark

everyone remembers her famous scene....decades later, she is reportedly having a "relationship" with an ugly negro rapper. The media pushes this stuff to the brainless younger females: "It is OK to have negro friends and really great to do 'it' with a congoid":


N.S.: It's probably a publicity stunt. She's 64 years old, and trying to get her career moving again. She'd been working, but primarily in small roles (e.g., eighth-billed), and wants to be a star again, or at least a featured player. She has three grown, White children.


  1. Even Sharon Stone. And at her age. YES, there is no hope.

    She had better watch out or she will end up like Prudence Hockley.


  2. The "right" camera effects have done for her,what "The Irishman" special effects did for Deniro,Pesci and Pacino. She looks 30 years younger--but it isn't real of course.

    Too bad she decided to spread her legs for a nig rapper--that's a total lack of respect for her body at that age.The nig could EASILY have a disease that one wouldn't want to catch--even monkeypox(lol.)


  3. jerry pdx
    She's been bashing men since forever, even back when she was young and still beautiful. Of course, back then she had the power to pick and choose, she just made bad choices, as so many young women do. Now, no White man worth anything wants her and she's bitter about it. I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for her.


    I was going to do research on a funny bit about Sharon Stone's movies,with the premise that a black would replace her famous White lead actor--and I would change the title:

    For instance,instead of Arnold Schwartzenegger and Stone in "Total Recall",you put Will Smith and Sharon Stone together in a film about a no talent,black rapper who eventually kills his White ho--and call it,"I Totally Don't Recall Killin' the Bit*h".

    Then I got sidetracked,when Billy Crystal's name SOMEHOW came up--in a movie that he produced and starred in last year called,"Here Today". I had a quick bout of curiosity and(unfortunately)checked it out.

    The first thing going on today is,all movies,TV shows,newscasts etc. must have a black co-star paired with a White person--and Tiffany Haddish--a horrible actress and host of the latest version of "Kids Say the Darndest Things"--is the blackie that Crystal chose,to play opposite him,here.

    The premise of the movie is simple: Crystal is suffering from early dementia,but "wants to have fun,"(a la Cyndi Lauper),which leads him to a street person(Haddish).I watched the trailer and judging from that scant footage,if anyone put down actual cash for this flick,they should consider a class action lawsuit to retrieve their misplaced money.

    Haddish is a big mouthed,unlikable negress,while Crystal tries to be a schmaltzy,yet lucid comedy writer. Somehow,we are supposed to believe,the two have "hit it off".

    Judging from Crystal's decision to produce this movie,he may actually HAVE dementia--which would be a shame.

    All I know is,after seeing 2 minutes and 43 seconds of that crap,who can be creative?


  5. I know why Sharon Stone's movie list got me to "Here Now"--she's IN the damn thing.Search engines are so smart.

