Wednesday, July 20, 2022

university of edinburgh loses £2 million after renaming David Hume Tower, when “students” condemned polymath for “discriminatory” remarks he’d made in 1742

By N.S.

I delivered a paper at a philosophy conference at Cornell University in 1994. I believe the title was “Trinmity: The University, the Church, and the State.”

A middle-aged, tenured, Cornell philosophy professor named Lenn something delivered a paper denouncing Kant (1724-1804) and Hume (1711-1776) as “racists.”

Even though the two lived in countries which had yet to be “integrated,” they knew quite a bit about negroes—much more than today’s racial socialists.

Hume was, with Kant, one of the two greatest philosophers of the modern world. Hume was also an historian and diplomat.

The only good news in this was that supporters of Edinburgh cut their donations by about 9%. But that’s not nearly enough. There must be massive cuts in the budgets of Western antiversities, and the racial socialist thugs—“students,” “faculty,” “staff” and “administrators” must be violently, terminally ousted, with extreme prejudice.


  1. That is the only way to stop these colleges and universities. Stop donation. Like with the negro dominated college football teams taking a knee for the national anthem and all that, the alumni just needs to stop buying season tickets and showing up for games. Send them a message they would understand. Like Al Sharpton said: "hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts."


    See exactly what it is about HUME that is not liked.
