Wednesday, July 20, 2022

man who died crashed stolen car after being shot by carjacking victim in se houston

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Jul 20, 2022 6:05 p.m.
Last updated at 12:37 a.m., on Thursday, July 21, 2022

man who died crashed stolen car after being shot by carjacking victim in se houston, hpd says

A harris county grand jury will decide if the shooter will be charged. Police said the man who died initiated a physical altercation before shots were fired. -

N.S.: I have two problewms with this situation. 1. Once texas' demographics hit a certain level, we're going to see the election of racial socialist prosecutors, who are going to get their "ham sandwich," andgrand juries will start handing down "clean bills" to prosecute (White) people who merely engaged in self-defense against brown and black felons. 2. My contributors constantly send me stories of texans killing colored felons in self-defense. Over a million times a year, someone in America draws a gun, in order to save himself or another party from violation (robbery, rape, murder) by a felon, overwhelmingly a colored felon. However, the national msm refuse to report these facts.


  1. The path we're traveling on N.S.,is one that's going to force Whites into accepting black law as our primary justice system,because White law has been dismantled by demographics,wokeness and the lack of willpower by Whites to fight back.

    What that means is,the cops are not called/will not respond to calls about crimes.Whites may have to form gangs to fight black/Mex maurauders in their neighborhoods.

    That may be the early stages of a Civil War II--or a White genocide.


  2. "Over a million times a year, someone in America draws a gun, in order to save himself or another party from violation (robbery, rape, murder)"

    And the average citizen drawing a weapon [firearm] for his self defense quite often not having to discharge the gun. The mere sight of the gun is enough to ward off attack. Even THEY know what they are dealing with.
