Wednesday, July 27, 2022

“florida teen girl’s remains found at serial killer’s home identified 42 years after she vanished”; why is this story getting so much more play than usual?

By Jerry PDX
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 12:48:00 P.M. EDT

“Billy Mansfield Jr. was convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering five women with the help of his younger brother and father.”

I scouted around and found mentions of this in various other mainstream news outlets. Though the story just appeared, it may be picked up by even more throughout the week.

Mansfield is certainly a sick, depraved, SOB, but this story of a decades-old White serial killer is getting more play in the media as an SK story than the typical black SK that make up 80% of those arrested nowadays. It’s all very fine that they were able to identify a victim and give a family closure, but what about some hysteria about the wave of black serial killers that are killing people right now?


  1. Whitey is evil. Negro serial killers and misunderstood persons who got a few bad shakes in like and had a bad childhood.

  2. Sounds like John Wayne Gacy stuff. I bet they did the yard and house up to find more bodies.
