Monday, July 25, 2022

Ben Garrison is No Vichy-Con! (Graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. Trump is looking pretty bloated in the face lately(granted,some pics are offered to make him look that way),but that's usually not a good sign healthwise.I'm of the opinion he doesn't run--though if he were 4 years younger--yes,he would.

    78,79 is no age to be gallavanting on airplanes to 3 campaign stops in a day-as is his style--I don't care who you are--or used to be.

    (The Anchovy)
    After catching Covid by lapping water out of a toilet bowl in Saudi Arabia,it was decided that President Biden would remain isolated--long after the CDC mandated,five day quarantine period is up.

    "We like having him out of the way,"said one anonymous White House resident,whose last name was also Biden."It'll be similar to 2020,when he was "campaigning" from the basement. Everything worked a lot better then,when didn't try to DO THINGS,like walk or talk--and certainly not both at the same time."

    This unnamed person,who we'll call "Jill",told reporters that a consensus of opinion was reached to take extra precautions that would prevent Biden from being unnecessarily exposed to personnel who might have Covid.

    "The only way we could do that is by placing him in an underground bunker,where the president can pretend he's on Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island,"continued the source--who claims to be a doctor."When he gets that smile,you know that's where his mind is at."

    The very patient,unnamed person,whose initials are J.B.,summed up the decision:"It'll take awhile for me to get used to breathing air without a fecal smell to it,but I'm willing to do it for the good of the country--and the president will also be better off with this arrangement."


  3. Ben Garrison does a lot of good-natured cartoons making fun of negroes. Does the drawings in a manner like those that were once posted on the Tom Metzger WAR website. Maybe Ben did those cartoons too? Ben is making a living and having a lot of fun doing so.
