Thursday, July 21, 2022

a neighborhood’s new anti-section 8 rules will push many black residents out of a north texas suburb

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Jul 21, 2022 1:12 p.m.

A neighborhood's new anti-section 8 rules will push many black residents out of a north texas suburb

The comments are informative.

So, living on the dole and cleaning houses off the books?  Kids on chip (children's health insurance program) and eating "free" meals in the public schools?

Life is sweet.


  1. I like it.Whites just have to use their noggins.Now someone will probably sue and have it thrown out,but we'll just have to see.


  2. jerry pdx
    Cut and pasted two sections from the article:

    Then Threats’ sister turned her attention to the suburbs north of Dallas and Fort Worth. The rent was affordable, and according to her sister’s research, crime was low. Threats said she applied to live in more than 100 houses and apartments, but none would accept her. Texas is one of the few states that allows landlords to reject renters if they receive housing vouchers.

    [Crime was low? Yeah, now it is but just wait until her little juvenile delinquent sprogs get a little older]

    In the months after Threats moved in, homeowners began to turn against the neighborhood’s Section 8 renters — who are predominantly Black. In private Facebook groups, they increasingly blamed tenants for a perceived uptick in criminal activity in Providence Village.

    [Perceived? We have the same thing here in suburban pdx when section 8 housing got built. Shootings, robberies, sexual assaults shot up and the faces of the perps were usually black. No "perceived" about it, they commit more crime. These Woke articles use words like perceived to make it seem like Whites are being racist and unreasonable. No they're not, they're being realistic].

  3. Right,all in our imagination.


  4. In the months after (black renter)Threats moved in, homeowners began to turn against the neighborhood’s Section 8 renters — who are predominantly black. In private Facebook groups, they increasingly blamed tenants for a perceived uptick in criminal activity in Providence Village.

    GRA:"Uptick"--lol.We know better.

    Anyways,as I read further down,it's NOT illegal to ban Section 8'ers in Texas.Good deal--way to band together White folks.That's what it takes--like I did in my block--to get 2 black and one Mex family evicted,though I did it all myself--it's better to have support.


  5. jerry pdx
    I'd like to hear more about how you got them evicted. Please tell us GRA!

  6. I've told the story a couple times.I videotaped the blacks fight in my front yard--and showed it to the landlord company.I noticed they weren't taking trash out.Told the company.They came and inspected the garage where at least a hundred bags of garbage were piled up.That got them evicted.

    Another black brood also failed to take the trash out and were loud--which I taped and played for the landlord.That got them out.

    The Mex were a family of criminals.Originally 4 moved in,then others followed.The lease was for four only.I told the landlady about all the crime happening,plus there were extras living there--she said,"I can't do anything without proof."

    I got the Mex names from a neighborhood association and we looked up their criminal records.Felonies galore.

    One guy listed was a sex offender,who had changed his current address to the house I lived next to.He was NOT on the lease.

    THAT got them out--after which,they slashed my tires.

    It took a 6 months of digging to find info--all worth it.


  7. "Kids on chip (children's health insurance program) and eating "free" meals in the public schools?"

    Blacks literally like chips a lot. Hot chips. And the hotter the better.

  8. jerry pdx
    Great story GRA! Good job.
