Saturday, June 25, 2022

"fed chairman blows up Biden's 'putin price hike' mantra"

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From: WND <>
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Sent: Sat, Jun 25, 2022 1:01 p.m.

"fed chairman blows up Biden's 'putin price hike' mantra"

Web version    
Fed chairman blows up Biden's 'Putin Price Hike' mantra
'Inflation was high before; certainly before the war in Ukraine broke out' Read more…

Americans have serious trust issues with 'red flag' gun confiscations
Fear is that officials could use laws against critics Read more…
The significance of the overturning of Roe
The seemingly impossible happened Read more…

Big Tech is making enemies and losing money. It's about time!
The monster of Big Tech can now be seen in all of its hideousness. Read more…
Perfect solution to divide over Roe ruling: Divorce, American style
Now red states and blue states can go their separate ways – just as the Founding Fathers envisioned Read more…
WND News Services
These reports are produced by another news agency, and the editors of WND believe you'll find it of interest.
How should parents deal with 'perverted' schools?
Parents across America are being confronted with "perverted" public school systems that indoctrinate children with ungodly agendas.

Now one famous pastor has a solution. ...
Read more…
What will Liz Cheney do to stay in power?
Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the GOP member who turned on President Trump to become his enemy, has a problem. She's coming up for election, but finds herself behind her challenger by double-digit percentages in many polls.

Now she's hatched a crazy new plan to stay in power. ...
Read more…

Pro-lifers celebrate Supreme Court's adoption of abortion science
The 16,000 members of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations cheered on Friday the U.S. Supreme Court's 6-3 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the faulty 1973 ruling that created... Read more…

Is the Dept. of Justice employing 'Stasi' tactics?  
The U.S. Department of Justice, directed under Joe Biden by Merrick Garland, has been accused of issuing a "direct threat against the judiciary."

How? It seems the agency is employing tactics familiar to those of East Germany in the 1950s. ... Read more…

1 comment:

  1. Biden bullshi*s just as much as Trump ever did,but in a much less entertaining way.Biden speaks with an underlying disdain,while Trump's only disdain was directed at the media.Biden has ZERO sense of humor now--even less since his mental sharpness has disintegrated.

    Presidents with no sense of humor are dangerous.

