Sunday, June 26, 2022

france: moslems have attacked almost 1,100 frenchmen with infected syringes

By A.L.
Sun, Jun 26, 2022 10:00 p.m.


France: 1,098 people nationwide attacked with tainted syringes, several moslems arrested

JUN 26, 2022 5:00 P.M. BY ROBERT SPENCER

A French reader has notified me of a mysterious and disturbing trend that is currently taking place in france: a wave of attacks involving syringes. There have been nearly 1,100 victims. Many, but not all, of the attacks have taken place in nightclubs or during concerts.


  1. Assimilation--Muslim Style.

    --G R A

  2. jerry pdx
    First thing that came to mind was if the victims were all attractive young White women. I couldn't find any info in the body of online articles but there was a clue in a reader's comment. This is it:

    by: Fitma

    Ofc these ugly muslim vermin know these attractive young girls wouldn’t want them and because they’re “naked infidel women,” (uncovered) they’re free game, according to Islam, so it’s no surprise this would happen.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. As Mila the French girl who openly criticized Islam, stated that Muslim men are now publicly harassing women and young girls while the authorities largely ignore it until something really serious happens.

    France is in a state of war from these invaders and still refuses to admit Muslims, Africans and other migrant invaders are the enemy. It’s only going to keep getting worse until drastic measures are taken.

    I don't know if this reader lives in France and has some first hand knowledge but I wouldn't be surprised if these attacks are like Moslem/African knife attacks that primarily target attractive White females.

  3. Disease in those syringes? HIV perhaps? Hassle the whitey just to hassle the whitey. An enjoyable activity for the Muzzie invader.
