Wednesday, May 11, 2022

TV Fare of the White Genocide Project: the neighborhood

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 1:47:00 A.M. EDT

I just happened to have cbs on Monday night (Jeopardy had just wrapped up), I started looking at the horse races, but left the channel on—when the neighborhood began.

I can’t describe how anti-White this show was—and how they advised Whites to succumb to crt and black propaganda—without a hint of comedy. You’d have to watch it (on, I assume) and decide if this wasn’t the worst garbage aired yet.

The White, male doofus in the show, is in a room with his kid and Cedric the entertainer’s kid (wrong description for Cedric), as they studied history.

“I know about history,” said the doofus. The black kid says, “Did they teach you about 1919 when White people slaughtered blacks?”:

“No, I never heard that.”

The doofus’ kid said something and then the White doofus said, “Well shut my alarm off—and call me woke!”

I shut the set off (and call me UN-woke.)


N.S.: Several years ago, I either turned on the black supremacist abc “comedy” blackish, or it came on following something I’d been watching. The entire episode was a hoax show, promoting the racial profiling myth. Nobody even tried to be funny.

Did they teach you about 1919 when blacks attacked Whites, and started the Tulsa Riot?

The thing is, in those days, Whites fought back, so the black rioters lost.


  1. jerry pdx
    Seems to be more and more commercials for TV shows with black majority casts, I see them but can't bring myself to watch any of them, even for research purposes. I just don't have the stomach. Occasionally, by chance I flash by one, like the Wonder Years reboot or Blackish (caught one full episode of that one, and it was terrible), but the little bits I watch don't make me want to see more.

  2. jerry pdx
    That little bit about the doofus White guy displaying ignorance about history...The suggestion is that White schools don't teach about slavery or bad things that happened to blacks. Absolutely false, I remember studying Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King in grade school, I could have named you two inventors: Edison and George Washington Carver. Of course you can find certain historical incidents that might not have gotten taught, but we all learned that slavery was once practiced in this country and it was bad. This bald faced lie that nobody learns that in America is, well, a bald faced lie! But White Wokesters accept the lie, even knowing deep down inside it is false.
    What they don't teach is how Whites are the ones who ended slavery and that non Whites practiced slavery thousands of years before Whites ever did and continue to do so today. That's the "lie by omission".
