Sunday, May 01, 2022

"Oak Forest" [Read: chinese "immigrant"] woman drove her car, throwing her husband off the roof, and then fatally running him over, and is a flight risk, but asks for the mercy of the court, as she has little money for bond...

By R.C.
Sat, Apr 30, 2022 11:50 p.m.

CHICAGO - An Oak Forest woman allegedly drove onto the Dan Ryan Expressway as her husband clung to the roof of their car, but he later fell off and she ran over and killed him, prosecutors said Wednesday. Haihua Cheng, 27, faces charges of reckless homic

An Oak Forest woman allegedly drove onto the Dan Ryan Expressway as her husband clung to the roof of their car, but he later fell off and she ran over and killed him, prosecutors said Wednesday.



Just stop about poor Asian drivers.

No DWO jokes either.

Cheng has no prior criminal history and wasn’t a danger to the community, Wang said. She works as a nail technician and could only afford a minimal bond, he said. All of her relatives are in China, he said.

Say, does this involve immigration fraud, too?


  1. Her husband was a Hispanic whom she says was addicted to drugs and she had been trying to go to a doctor for an injury which he inflicted. She said he was trying to stop her because he didn't want his abuse of her reported to the police. So looks like she has some arguments in her favor. A few years ago we accompanied a Chinese woman to the hospital for a procedure required because of her husband's abuse (he is Chinese.) Now she has wised up and found herself a nice White man. I know another Chinese woman whose husband stole $600,000 from her and tried to strangle her with a copper wire. This woman introduces Chinese women to White men. Even though the left portrays White men as the source of all evil, many Asian women are finding that the hated White man actually makes a kinder, gentler husband. Of course some are going to object to racial mixing, however, I know a number of mixed children and looking at them you would never know they aren't White--one has blue eyes and another has red hair.


    GRA:I saw this on my local nbc channel with a black pool reporter named Brie Jackson informing me of this blackie being named "Teacher of the Year".Why was he chosen?He's black and he teaches that blacks are oppressed(White kids have to listen to this too).
    Between diaper changes,Biden honored him this week at the White House.

    (neacom)Kurt Russell, a veteran high school history teacher in Oberlin, Ohio, was named the 2022 National Teacher of the Year on Tuesday by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

    “Kurt is a powerful advocate who always puts students at the center of his work," the selection committee said in a statement. "With more than two decades in the classroom and strong connections to his community, he speaks with warmth and honesty on how schools can best meet students’ needs. Kurt will be a passionate and authentic voice for teachers and students as 2022 National Teacher of the Year.”

    Now in his 25th year as a teacher, Russell emphasizes cultural relevance and diverse representation in the curriculum of classes he teaches, including African American history; U.S. history; International Baccalaureate History of the Americas; and Race, Gender and Oppression. "Through these courses," he said, "I provide an inclusive and safe environment for studying the histories of diverse groups and encouraging all students' voices to be heard."

    Russell, a member of the Ohio Education Association, also serves as a lead teacher for the school, advisor to the Black Student Union (BSU), and head coach of the varsity basketball team.

    “On behalf of the NEA’s more than three million members," said National Education Association President Becky Pringle, "we congratulate Kurt for creating an environment where every student feels welcome, no matter their race, background, or ability...He is building a community of young critical thinkers who will enter the world more curious, open-minded, and knowledgeable - who will be able to see the world as it truly is – and demand more."

    GRA:They will graduate into antifa/blm with honors.I feel sorry for the White kids--who I saw pictured in his class.
