Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson: The New Disinformationists

From: American Greatness <chris@amgreatness.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Mon, May 2, 2022 8:30 am

Victor Davis Hanson: The New Disinformationists

The New Disinformationists

by Victor Davis Hanson

The Biden Administration feels that it must now use federal resources to attack "disinformation." So the Department of Homeland Security recently announced the creation of a "disinformation governance board."
The board's executive director, Nina Jankowicz, at least has clear qualifications for the post. She previously had spread false rumors on social media that Donald Trump voters would show up at the polls in 2020 armed, and joined the mob's chorus that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation." Perhaps the idea behind her hiring was "it takes one to know one."
Although the new board's mandate is unclear, the idea seems to be that Jankowicz and her colleagues will use the federal government's powers to adjudicate what Americans say as either true or false—and to suppress as "disinformation" anything it doesn't find useful.
'Fake Threat' of Voter Fraud by Illegals Is Fake News

by Lloyd Billingsley

A recent New York Times story offers a provocative headline: "GOP Concocts Fake Threat: Voter Fraud by Undocumented Immigrants." From the first line of Jazmine Ulloa's April 28 article, she telegraphs her bias with a flare gun. 
"Six years after former President Donald J. Trump paved his way to the White House on nativist and xenophobic appeals to white voters," writes Ulloa, deploying the standard leftist tactic of imputing mental illness to people she does not like. In similar style, Hillary Clinton in 2016 smeared Trump voters as a "basket of deplorables" afflicted with several "phobias." Back in 1997, in an essay titled "Blizzard of Lies," the New York Times' own William Safire proclaimed Hillary Clinton a "congenital liar."
As Barack Obama's secretary of state, the former first lady passed off the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack as a protest over a video and seemed rather indifferent to the loss of four American lives, including that of the U.S. ambassador. She peddled influence through the Clinton Foundation, violated the law with her homebrew email server, and destroyed thousands of subpoenaed emails. As Ulloa has it, none of this had anything to do with Clinton's loss to Donald Trump. Only the nativism and xenophobia of "white voters" turned the tide.

How Therapy Culture Suffocates Us 

by Christopher Gage

Despite his immeasurable good fortune in once swimming around inside the testicle of a future British king, Prince Harry now works at a Silicon Valley start-up selling hokum to gullible people.
The former prince last week treated us all to a podcast. Harry, as he is now known, lamented the cultural differences between his new home, California, and his former Great Britain.
Harry is unhappy. His former kingdom teems with repressed souls who, unlike Angelinos, neglect to examine the provenance of our every biographical misfortune and attribute some cosmic meaning to often trivial happenings.

Speaking of the animated desert to which he scuttled, a mecca bouncing with silicon-infused arse cheeks, Harry said: "You talk about it here in California: 'I'll get my therapist to call your therapist.'"
"Whereas in the U.K., it's like, 'Therapist? What therapist? Whose therapist? I don't have a therapist. No, I definitely don't. I've never spoken to a therapist.'"
Harry is a true believer, his eyes burning with the conviction of a ginger jihadi issuing a fatwa against those obstinate girls who would sooner opt to lower themselves into a vat of sulphuric acid than entertain his paltry desperations.

California's Comprehensive New System of Racial Discrimination: Jimenez Crow?

by Nicholas L. Waddy

"The future happens first" in California, it's long been said, and, as it tries to actualize that axiom, the Golden State has been laboring mightily of late to pioneer new ways to discriminate in favor of protected classes like women, racial and ethnic minorities, and people in the LGBT community. Granted, all such discrimination is illegal and unconstitutional in California and nationally, but that's never stopped the state's Democratic overlords before, and it isn't going to stop them now. 
It's official, therefore: in our nation's most populous state, discrimination is back in fashion!
Anyone who pays attention to the news knows all about this. California's legislature has created a web of new laws designed to uplift the marginalized and punish the privileged. Recently, a Los Angeles County court struck down the state's historic corporate diversity law, which created quotas for the representation of racial minorities and members of the LGBT community on corporate boards. Now that the legislature failed in its bid to institutionalize "Jimenez Crow," the state-supported University of California is stepping up to the plate.
Failing Up at Vanity Fair

by Mark Judge

In 2001, a man named Jay Forman wrote a piece for the tiresome leftist website Slate called "Monkeyfishing." The piece described a trip Forman said he took to Florida with a "monkeyfisherman." The monkeyfisherman, wrote Foreman, casts a fruit-baited fish line onto the island where research monkeys were kept. A monkey takes the bait, and is then pulled into the water.
"Monkeyfishing" was exposed almost immediately as fake, although it took Slate several years, and an investigation by some journalism students at Columbia University, for them to admit as much. 
The editor of "Monkeyfishing," Jack Shafer, failing upwards as all journalists do, went on to become the media critic for Politico.

In other words, Shafer made what should have been a career-ending screwup and got promoted for it. 
Still, "monkeyfishing" is for the ages. It will be on Shafer's tombstone. It remains incredible all these years later, after Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair and Russiagate and Michael Avenatti, that our Stasi media continue insisting on blowing up their honor and reputations, when simply integrating their ranks with street-smart and gun-collecting conservatives would help them prevent mistakes. They're like suicide bombers who just won't allow any level-headed person access to the cave. This, among other reasons, is why trust in the media is at an all-time low
The Problem with 'Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery'

By Alexander Zubatov

On the morning of April 26, the entire community of Harvard University and its alumni received what, in any sane society, would be seen as a grossly inappropriate emailed letter signed by Harvard's president, Lawrence S. Bacow, along with a list of other high-up Harvard officiants, titled "Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery." The letter transmits a 134-page report, the product of a committee established to document Harvard's entanglement with slavery, a project that, especially since the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020, has preoccupied certain left-bubble institutions and universities such as ColumbiaBrown, and Harvard. 
Like Google dressing up its logo for HalloweenHarvard's homepage, to commemorate the occasion, is donned in mournful black, in contrast to its usual white, and dedicated entirely to the topic of its grand "reckoning." Academics are an afterthought. 
The Disinformation Governance Machine 

by Roger Kimball

Remember the date: April 27, 2022
That's when the mask came off the creaky Orwellian juggernaut that is the Biden Administration. 
The senile rictus disappeared and something far more threatening took its place. 

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell called the enforcement mechanism of his totalitarian propaganda regime the "Ministry of Truth." Appearing before the House Appropriations Subcommittee, the ironically named Department of Homeland Security was slightly more subtle. 
Too many people have read Nineteen Eighty-Four. Calling a government-funded effort to suppress criticism of the regime the "Ministry of Truth" would cause people to worry and complain. Instead, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of the "Disinformation Governance Board." 
No, I am not making that up. 
I sympathize with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who said he wondered whether this new assault on free expression was a "belated April Fools' joke."
Ron DeSantis Leads Republican Charge Against Biden Regime's 'Ministry of Truth'

by Debra Heine

Republicans hit at the Biden administration's new Disinformation Governance Board Friday, arguing that it is an "unconstitutional and unamerican" means of crushing dissent.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis led the charge during a press conference Friday, calling the Department of Homeland Security Counter-Disinformation Governance Board a "Ministry of Truth," and vowing to fight it.
"You cannot have a Ministry of Truth in this country. We're not going to let Biden get away with this one. So we will be fighting back," he said. The Republican was in Willston, Fla. to talk about his administration's investment of $22 million for infrastructure in Florida.

The recently created disinformation board is being led by Nina Jankowicz, 33, a self-proclaimed "disinformation expert" and Karaoke enthusiast who helped spread the Russia collusion hoax in 2017, and supported the COVID lockdowns in March of 2020. In October of 2020, she called Hunter Biden's laptop a "product of the Trump campaign."

About $7 Billion Worth of Military Equipment Abandoned in Afghanistan

by Eric Lendrum

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has confirmed in a new report that the military had abandoned roughly $7 billion worth of equipment in the hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan.
As reported by Fox News, the report was mandated by an act of Congress after the fall of Afghanistan in August of 2021. After 16 years of the U.S. providing military assistance directly to Afghanistan, the equipment left behind for the rising Taliban forces included air-to-surface missiles, night vision equipment, and Humvees. From 2005 to 2021, the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) received at least $18.6 billion worth of equipment while it was being trained by the U.S.
"After more than 16 years of combat operations, DOD estimates that $7.12 billion of this equipment remains in Afghanistan in varying states of repair," said DOD spokesman Rob Lodewick, a Major in the U.S. Army. "It is important to remember that the $7.12 billion figure cited in the Department's recent report to Congress corresponds to ANDSF equipment and not U.S. military equipment used by our forces."
Experts Debunk NYT Claim that Increased Gun Sales Led to Rise in Violent Crime

by Eric Lendrum
While the rise of violent crimes in the United States over the last two years has been attributed to such factors as pandemic lockdowns and the race riots of 2020, some on the Left have attempted to instead blame the rising trends on an increase in legal gun sales.
Fox News reports that a New York Times article made this argument on April 17th, which pointed out that "Americans bought a record number of guns in recent years." While acknowledging the lockdowns and race riots as factors, the Times zeroed in on gun sales as the predominant reason for violence, claiming that "the guns that Americans bought remain in circulation," even as "COVID cases have plummeted and lockdowns have ended."
But experts from the Heritage Foundation refuted these claims, with Charles Stimson breaking down the trends of violent crime and gun ownership over the last three decades.
Majority of Troops Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine were Given General Discharge

by Eric Lendrum

Of the roughly 3,400 American troops who were removed from service due to refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine, about 70 percent were labeled as general discharges, which leaves the door open to their return if they eventually do receive the vaccine.
According to Military Times, the "general discharge" label also allows the individuals in question to retain access to their veterans benefits. At a recent hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Pentagon officials said that the remaining 30 percent of discharges were categorized as honorable. There was no explanation given for which circumstances saw some determined to be honorable and others considered general.
"I can tell you there are no operational impacts across the force for readiness," said Marine Corps Lt. Gen. David Ottignon during his testimony. "There's no one community that has signaled an instance where a [leader], an NCO or another enlisted Marine is not present because of that."

Ranking Oversight Republican Says GOPers are 'Having Discussions' About Impeaching Joe Biden, Calls Hunter a 'National Security Threat'

by Debra Heine

The ranking Republican on the House oversight Committee said Thursday that Hunter Biden is a "national security threat" amid mounting evidence that Joe Biden was complicit in his son's corrupt foreign business dealings. Amid concerns that the president is dangerously compromised, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that Republicans are "having discussions" about impeaching him if they win the House majority in November.
The New York Post last week reported that Biden met with his son's business partner, Eric Schwerin, in the West Wing of the White House on November 17, 2010. Schwerin was then the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners. Schwerin reportedly made at least 19 visits to the Obama White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015. In addition to Biden, Schwerin also met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden while Hunter was "striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China," Obama White House visitor logs show.
by Chris Buskirk, Julie Ponzi, & Ben Boychuk

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    GRA:As far as abortions go,the last year of actual recorded procedures was 2017,when 862,000 abortions were reported.In 2011,over a million abortions were completed.Granted,SOME of them were performed for medical reasons,but to watch nbc moan about a million Covid deaths--which are accidental--and then get on their high horse to push for INTENTIONAL murders of developing human beings,is both baffling and disturbing.

    'Splain it to me Lucy.


    How do they explain the

  2. Every President from this point forward if the opposition party controlling the House going to be impeached now or rumored to be impeached. This will be the case from now unto all time.
