Thursday, May 26, 2022

Earthquake in Michigan: James Craig Off Primary Ballot for Governor's Race, Due to Fraud!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 5:28:00 P.M. EDT

negro gubernatorial gop candidate, James Craig, Kicked Off Ballot Because of Fraudulent Signatures; Lesser-Knowns also Booted!

LANSING, Mich. (WOOD) — The Michigan Board of State Canvassers on Thursday deadlocked over whether five Republican gubernatorial candidates whose petition signatures are in question should appear on the August primary.

The board is made up of two Republicans and two Democrats. At a meeting in Lansing, they voted 2-2 along party lines on all five candidates.

The decision means that as of Thursday, Donna Brandenburg, Michael Brown, James Craig, Michael Markey and Perry Johnson‘s names will not appear on the ballot. But legal challenges from at least some of the candidates are nearly guaranteed, so what the ballot will actually look like remains in question.

“We’ll file a lawsuit,” Markey promised. “This isn’t the fight I wanted to take but when you don’t follow due process and due diligence, we have to fight it.”

In a statement, Craig also promised a lawsuit.

GRA: Misspelled names, multiple signatures, etc. negro Craig being removed is huge.



  1. Craig will file a lawsuit saying his black supporters,"can't count,read,write or spell,and we shouldn't be punished for our stupidity."


  2. "GRA: Misspelled names, multiple signatures, etc. negro Craig being removed is huge."

    YES. The colored man it seems actually did have a chance of winning.
