Thursday, May 05, 2022

Dave Chappelle’s on-stage attacker is a black MAGA guy?!

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 6:20:00 P.M. EDT

Headline says “alleged,” as if somehow committing the act in front of thousands could leave any doubt. Still, no motivation has been announced but he is black (did anybody have any doubt?) and his name is Isaiah Lee, a 23 yr. old “rapper.” Interestingly, he has a song on an album titled “Maga my n—ga,” where he appears to rap about former President Donald Trump, saying: “Why is everybody always hatin’ on my president?”

Early speculation online was that it was some kind of deranged leftist enraged at Chappelle for his gay jokes and anti-cancel culture stance, but now maybe they can blame it on Trump.

Heckuva way to jump start a music career, wonder if downloads of his “music” skyrocket after this.


  1. Kanye West has sunk THAT low? Who cares?But this story did give me the opportunity to namedrop the only nig rapper I know of-- offhand.

    --G R A

  2. "Isaiah Lee, a 23 yr. old 'rapper.' Interestingly, he has a song on an album titled 'Maga my n—ga,'”

    Aren't they all rappers.
