Monday, May 02, 2022

Breaking News Alert: White, ex-nypd cop convicted of role in Jan. 6 Capitol demonstration; faces up to 20 years in prison for an act for which blacks typically are issued free crimes

By N.S.

This is the sort of thing for which blacks typically are issued free crimes.

“Ex-NYPD cop Thomas Webster convicted of beating officer at Capitol riot

  “Former NYPD cop Thomas Webster, was convicted by a federal jury Monday of assaulting a police officer during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.”


  1. That's ALSO part of what "black law" entails:black criminals are not charged for most crimes,but Whites ARE--and punished at multiple times what the sentence would be,if blacks did the same thing(see Chauvin,McMichaels,Drejka.)

    By the way,where's DeSantis on the Drejka case?He should have commuted that 20 year sentence IMMIDIATELY.That was an outrage,as was Chauvin's sentence.


    1. I'm sorry, I stick to my stated position on this: punish this idiot to the full extent the law allows. He put himself in this predicament by joining the rest of those idiots and demonstrating in real time every stereotype the left alleges about the right. Thus making things exponentially more difficult for the rest of us with a conservative bent. I get that numerous DAs have let black lives matter and antifa terrorists off scott free for engulfing this country in acts of violence that border on war crimes, but that is a separate issue and was the inevitable outcome. We all knew that would happen. But by doing what they did, the January 6th morons also gave the left an opportunity to create a diversion from those crimes for the rest of the country. Now all everyone talks about is the so called insurrection and how Trump instigated it.

  2. So Whites are supposed to sit and be quiet,because--according to you--protesting makes Whites look bad?We need MORE "insurrections"--not a one and done.By the way,what happened to the caravan?

    Whites are so beaten down and disorganized,that I'm in favor of any attempt to voice dissatisfaction--including entering buildings that are "off limits" to the non-commies.

    "F" 'em.Instead of a crooked election--let's have an
    few insurrections.


  3. I am not sure what violent mob they are talking about? Are they speaking about the protestors who protested at the Capital building 6 Jan?

    And yes the negro jury [I am assuming that is what it is] will side with the prosecutor if a whitey man is on trial.

  4. The reason Whites are sentenced to 30 years+ sentences is simply as a deterrent.Sounds like "cruel and unusual punishment" to me--especially when you consider George Floyd was killing himself that day--with enough drugs--that would finish off just about anyone.

    It's all about keeping Whitey in line,while blacks run wild and take over everything.Whose idea was this again?
