Sunday, May 01, 2022

An espn announcer made the mistake of praising White players, and then came the orders: You must equalize that praise with praise of black players

By N.S.

Max Scherzer was starting for the Mets tonight against the Phillies, and the game is unfortunately being carried by espn, which is usually not good. Someone mentioned that Scherzer is on a list with Nolan Ryan, as the pitchers with the most 10-strikeout games. A little bit later, someone says, “It’s like someone being on a list with Mays and McCovey.” That wasn’t to explain anything; it explained nothing. It was just for racial balance, something they would never do to offset praise for blacks or hispanics.

Anyone who denies that that move was racially motivated is a liar.


  1. I take it the announcer was...White?Imagine that,allowing a White person to have a job on television.I have a little mental scoreboard going on with myself--when I first turn a station on--will the first person I see be a Whitey or a blackie?How long does it take before a black appears(not long).

    Who is flooding our airwaves with blacks--and WHY?It still has to be mostly Whites in the penthouses of Madison Avenue and network headquarters making decisions,but the instantaneous plethora of negroes appearing on our screens(way over their 13% population)makes it clear,there's a concerted effort to replace Whites on that medium.

    Did abc,nbc and cbs CEOs--plus advertisers--sit at a secret meeting and say,"Okay,we're in agreement then,we're going to over-represent blacks on TV to the point of incredulousness. No all-White commercials,many all-black commercials,sit-coms can be all-black,no all-White sitcoms or dramas.All in favor--aye."

    " AYE!"(Unanimous)

    "Any other business?"

    "What about Mex?There's more of them than blacks!"

    "You know,for asking such a valid question--you're demoted--and next time you bring that up again--you're fired."

    The news departments ask black "experts" their opinions on Covid,crime,politics and race.Fewer and fewer Whites are asked their opinion on these topics.

    I'm getting damned tired of it.


  2. "Did abc,nbc and cbs CEOs--plus advertisers--sit at a secret meeting and say, "Okay, we're in agreement then, we're going to over-represent blacks on TV to the point of incredulousness."

    Something like this must have happened after the summer of 2020. Orders by the government or just a spontaneous reaction? But something did happen that was both profound and absurd at the same time.

    Not only over represent blacks but ELIMINATE whitey. Sure is so.
