Saturday, April 23, 2022

Unpopular Joe Biden Pictured Shaking Hands with Dangerous Felon Who Attempted to Murder Kyle Rittenhouse

By David in TN
Sat, Apr 23, 2022 11:24 a.m.

Unpopular Joe Biden Pictured Shaking Hands with Dangerous Felon Who Attempted to Shoot Kyle Rittenhouse

One wonders if there are violent felons covered at NSU/WEJB whom Joe Biden would be willing to shake hands with.


  1. You really can't blame Joe--I'm sure he is so demented that he has no idea who he is shaking hands with.

  2. Was the Secret Service aware of this Gaige and his illegal activities? The man is a felon and anarchists. Perhaps Joe at that exact instant was in mortal danger. McKinley was killed by an anarchist. Gaige was also caught doing surveillance of the police copying license plate numbers so the ID and background of the cops can be ascertained. Gaige is a bad guy period. After his criminal record exposed, how does he still function as a paramedic? Maybe he no longer does. He could not be fairly expected to treat a patient such as an old whitey man.

  3. "You really can't blame Joe--I'm sure he is so demented that he has no idea who he is shaking hands with."

    Correct. When a President shakes hands in a crowd almost none of those persons is known to him unless introduced. This Gaige however since he has illegal gun convictions and has been involved in anarchist activities you have to wonder about.

    At any rate he should have never been allowed near Joey.

  4. I've rewatched the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting video several times. That kid's shooting skills were remarkable. Under duress, shooting at moving targets, he scored two kills and seriously wounded a third assailant. Rather than being hailed as a hero of the right to self defense, he was forebodingly subjected to a show trial overseen by rogue prosecuter, Thomas Binger who blatantly engaged in prosecutorial misconduct up to and including withholding exculpatory evidence. However, Rittenhouse can thank his lucky stars the guys he shot were white, had they been black he'd now be locked up for life, regardless of the video evidence which ultimately exonerated him.

  5. Haha your so right.but we need to stomp out the leftwing.

  6. "rogue prosecutor, Thomas Binger who blatantly engaged in prosecutorial misconduct up to and including withholding exculpatory evidence."

    When that boy Binger pointed that rifle at the jury the judge should have dismissed the case, declared mistrial and no further prosecution. Binger acting as he did my reaction was that he deliberately was threatening the jury to return a guilty verdict.

    All that judge did in the courtroom was to upheld Supreme Court standards. THAT created furor??

    1. I liked that judge, he took no shit. The trial itself was a farce and should never have been prosecuted. This country deludes itself that we have an objective and impartial justice system. We USED to have one. Then jury consultants got involved, resulting in the phenomenon of jury nullification. Compounding this is the new trial-because-of-the- threats-of-mob-violence, which result in the leftist, latter day Salem Witch Burnings and their resultant sacrificial lambs; people like Derek Chauvin and Kim Potter (though she brought about her own drama by panicking and mistakenly shooting that piece of shit), people carrying out their job descriptions: trying to arrest dangerous, unpredictable criminals and getting consumed as chattel at the liberal funeral pyre of prosecution via social justice, that threatens every police officer now. Every white person, actually.

      This has been a slowly developing process: Over the course of the last thirty years or so, we've seen the obscenity of dangerous psychopath O.J. Simpson walk because he's black, segueing into the vacation of the sentences of the animals who attacked Trisha Meili in Central Park, MAKING THEM MILLIONAIRES IN THE PROCESS. Now the laws themselves, as well as people trained to enforce them are under attack,creating more criminal black millionaires when these perpetrators cash out from their civil suits. Throwing more bile into this poisonous and dangerous mix are leftist mayors and DAs who actively REFUSE to enforce the laws they were entrusted to.

      The result is our society and country gradually disintegrating into a John Carpenter-ish dystopia. Cue Snake Plissken.
