Friday, April 22, 2022

Texas National Guard Soldier Drowns While Trying to Rescue Foreign Criminals

By N.S.

“Texas National Guard soldier drowns while trying to rescue migrants”

  “A Texas National Guard soldier drowned while attempting to rescue migrants from a river along the border of Mexico, according to a new report.”


  1. Woman drowned as well as the soldier. That Rio Grande in some spots very treacherous. I spoke to a Border Patrol agent about this sorta stuff. He said the illegals drown all the time. The water is two feet deep in most spots but the illegal crossing slips, falls, and tries to swim. The agents yell at them to stand up but they do not and drown.

    At different times of the year the water more deadly. Water is released for irrigation from dams far upstream. At that time the water deeper and colder, current more swift. One day you wade across, the next day you drown.

    Biden not enforcing the laws can and should be impeached.

    When you hear a long time Democratic ethnic Mexican Congressman complaining about the situation on the border you know how bad it is. And it is.
