Sunday, April 03, 2022

some brothers have apparently taken target practice: mass murder in Sacramento leaves six dead, ten wounded

Sacramento Mayor, Darrell Steinberg

By N.S.

“Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg expressed ‘shock and sadness’ after the mass shooting. ‘Words can’t express my shock & sadness this morning. The numbers of dead and wounded are difficult to comprehend,’ he said about 9:30 a.m. Sunday in a tweet. ‘We await more information about exactly what transpired in this tragic incident.’

“‘Rising gun violence is the scourge of our city, state and nation, and I support all actions to reduce it,’ Steinberg tweeted. ‘Our new Police Chief, Kathy Lester, has made it a top priority, and I stand firmly behind her.’”

Police Chief Kathy Lester

N.S.: In other words, the mayor and police chief want to punish law-abiding Whites for blacks’ heinous crimes. “at least 6 people killed in Sacramento mass shooting”


  1. Lester looks like the blackie's type of woman--even a little extra weight gain and she'd be perfect in the negro's eyes.


  2. Sacramento demographics:

    White: 46.35%
    Asian: 18.88%
    Black or African American: 13.18%
    Other race: 11.69%
    Two or more races: 7.43%

    GRA:51% NON-WHITE.Jeezus.I never would have guessed.


  3. Negroes clubbing? Negroes like to club. Just gotta be careful. The slightest thing can set them off. No mention made of demographics.

    Al Capone in his infamous career only the St. Valentine's Day massacre worse with deceased. Here you have ten wounded in addition.

  4. The marksmanship of the shooter or shootists far better than most of these spray the rounds everywhere. Normally it might be two day-ed and fifteen wounded. Day-ed = dead.

    Mayor Morris is saddened. OH, spare us Morris. Nicholas will understand.

  5. >Sacramento Mayor, Darrell Steinberg

    The last thing one expects today is for an American mayor to confront the reality of black violence in their city -- especially a Jewish one.

    CA Mayors Garcetti and Steinberg Kneel to BLM -- Sacramento marchers ignore curfew for third night, Mayor Steinberg and police chief take a knee

    Said the mayor: I then got on one knee and said a prayer for George Floyd, our community, and our country.

    >Police Chief Kathy Lester


    America has not yet reached its nadir, but with so many women being hired as chiefs of police, one is tempted to think it must be near.

    Unsurprisingly, Sacramento has crime rates significantly higher than both the state and national averages -- link

    At 13.5%, Sacramento has about the same % of Blacks as nationally (link), which is 2x the % of Blacks in California (link) -- so one more data point demonstrating that the single best indicator of crime rates in a locale is the % of the population that is black.

  6. >GRA:51% NON-WHITE.Jeezus.I never would have guessed.

    Why does this surprise you? -- California as a whole is only about 36% 'White alone, not Hispanic or Latino' -- link

    And I don't know where you got your numbers from, but per the US Census (might as well take it as the best source), Sacramento is, in line with the rest of the state, only 32% 'White alone, not Hispanic or Latino' -- link

    Los Angeles is 28% 'White alone, not Hispanic or Latino' -- link

    Already in 2000 the Census revealed that 1/3 of the adults living in the SFBA were born in another country (I distinctly recall the headline) -- it has only gotten worse since then.

  7. Because I still think the Beach Boys,Mama's and Papas and the Surfaris are out there with all the groupie blonde girls chasing after them.

    Seriously,I knew the Mex took over many areas--I just never gave Sacramento much of a thought,for some reason.Then to see that few a percent of Whites was a mild surprise.


  8. All these female police chiefs do such a bang up job in the bang up cities. At least none in Chicago yet. YET.
