Friday, April 01, 2022

nypd police person is suspected of being gang girl—along with thousands of others

By N.S.

“NYPD Cop Probed over Possible Gang Ties

“The officer is assigned to The Bronx's 52nd Precinct where she works on the precinct's public safety team, sources said.”

Well, that's the nature of affirmative action hiring: You deliberately hire people who are unqualified, and morally unfit.


  1. Who's "investigating"--OTHER affirmative action hires?


  2. jerry pdx
    "Raceless" man scrawls swastika in a Staten Island parking garage:

    This one is for those that cannot see the persistent way the media plays games with race descriptors and crime. We have a photo of a clearly non White suspect and a headline blaring "White supremacy symbol" but no mention is made of the race of the perp.

    Seriously? a swastika, but the media can't point out the glaring issue of non Whites committing these "graffiti" hate crimes? Why not? Sure, we can see the perp is non White but we're not actually supposed to register that fact. The public is still supposed to wring it's hands and moan about "White Supremacy", despite the fact the people doing this stuff are all non White.

    In this case the sneaky devils hedged theirs bets by not directly calling it a hate crime but guarantee when they identify and catch the colored perp, there will be no headlines about non White hate crime hoaxers.

  3. jerry pdx
    I should add to my previous comment about the swastika scrawling incident. I said they didn't call it a hate crime in the title, which is true but then took another look and a sub part of the headline was: NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating.
    So they did sneak hate crime into the headline, though didn't directly call it one.
    A whole task force dedicated to this kind of crap. Your tax money at work.

  4. Sent deliberately by the gang to join the police force and get inside information.
