Friday, April 29, 2022

mummified bodies discovered at former LA funeral home

By R.C.
Fri, Apr 29, 2022 6:36 p.m.

mummified bodies discovered at former LA funeral home

The discovery of 11 decaying or mummified bodies could lead to jail time for the mortuary's owner, said City Attorney Mike Feuer.


  1. They're constantly finding leftover bodies at closed-down black-run funeral homes. Sometimes still-running black-owned funeral homes.

    About ten years ago, a black-run funeral home in Texas was having trouble getting a customer to pay for the preparation and burial of his father's body. He paid part of the fee, but was having trouble coming up with the rest. After a week or two, the owner got tired of waiting, loaded the body into a vehicle, and dumped it out on the guy's porch.

    IIRC, Emmet Till's remains were dumped in a shed on the premises of the cemetary he'd been interred at because his family had stopped paying for the grave space. Then the cemetary went out of business. Old Emmet lay in there for years. They only found and reburied him a few years ago.

  2. Just Biden,Pelosi,Grassley,Feinstein and McConnell--aka the Crypt Kicker Five--out for a little r&r--at the former LA funeral home.

    And out of nowhere,Bobby,"Boris" Pickett appeared.

    We were working in a morgue,late one night,
    When we came upon an eerie sight.
    For the body on our left,began to rise,
    It was Biden standing up--to our surprise.

    He dropped his pants--he did the Commie Flash
    (He dropped his pants)
    He wanted instant romance
    (He did the flash)
    He talked out of his a**.
    He did the Flash--it was the Commie Flash.

    Commie bag Pelosi was the next corpse to rise,
    The face-lift she'd just had--you couldn't see her blank eyes.
    McConnell,close by--he tried to go in.
    But there wasn't any room--with all of his chins.

    Joe did the flash--he did the Commie flash.
    (He dropped his pants)
    He wanted instant romance.
    (He dropped his pants)
    He talked out of his a**
    He did the flash--it was the Commie Flash


    The party started moving--Feinstein,Grassley jumped in.
    All the barely living,raising quite a huge din.
    By the time the cops had entered,there was nothing to see,
    Just Biden--in a coffin--his pants by his knees.

    He'd done the flash-it was the Commie Flash
    (He dropped his pants)
    He wanted instant romance.
    (He dropped his pants)
    He talked out of his a**
    He did the flash--it was the Commie Flash

    ow-ooooh--bang zoom



  3. "Emmett Till's remains were dumped in a shed on the premises of the cemetery he'd been interred at because his family had stopped paying for the grave space."

    That cemetery is a "historic" negro cemetery. The operators were digging up the graves and reselling the caskets to be used again. Disgusting but happened.
