Wednesday, April 27, 2022

“‘Mommy, they lit me on fire': Little Boy Severely Burned after young 'bully' chucked flaming tennis ball at him

By N.S.

“‘Mommy they lit me on fire': Tot [sic] severely burned after young ‘bully’ chucked flaming tennis ball at him

N.S.: A six-year-old is not a "tot." A "tot" is a toddler or a baby.

  “Dominick Krankall was playing in his backyard when an 8-year-old neighbor doused a tennis ball with gasoline, lit it on fire and threw it at him.”


  1. The kid will be in Portland in 10 years--doing the same thing to police and businesses.


  2. The family started a GoFundMe to help aid the child’s recovery. They received $162,000 in donations as of Wednesday night.
