Saturday, April 23, 2022

lesbian Michigan criminal general, Dana Nessel, Suggests White Kent County Prosecutor Should let her decide “if charges need to be filed” against White Man Cop

[“We Interrupt Your black-skewed game show, to bring you black-skewed funeral coverage (Patrick Layoya).”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, April 22, 2022 at 12:00:00 P.M. EDT

GRA: Dana Nessel went on TV to “suggest” that White, long-time, Kent County prosecutor Chris Becker, should hand over “the decision-making process of whether charges should be filed”—to HER.

“We’d like to eliminate the possibility of conflict of interest in this case. We would gladly take the case if it were referred to us.”

If Becker did that (which he won’t), Nessel would personally go buy the rope and place it on a tree for the White cop to be lynched with. Becker is a pretty conservative Republican—hence, the interference from Nessel.

Becker said: “There's no conflict, because I don’t know the officer—personally or professionally.”

His decision will be fascinating. I believe he will not charge the cop—but these days, you never know.


1 comment:

  1. >lesbian Michigan criminal general, Dana Nessel

    She's also a Jew -- a friend suggested I mention that.

    >I believe he will not charge the cop

    Oh yeah, why is that?

    He previously decided to file a misdemeanor charge against a cop whose gun discharged accidentally (link), something he very easily (compared to this decision) could have not done.

    >Becker is a pretty conservative Republican

    I don't think that will matter much -- above that, he's a servant of the political/media regime, upon which he depends for his salary and benefits.

    In the video released so far, there's not much reason to give the cop the benefit of the doubt, and given the known facts he needs a lot more than that to be exonerated of wrongdoing in such a hugely political case:

    Patrick Lyoya died of a single gunshot wound to the back of the head, a forensic pathologist hired by the attorneys for Lyoya’s family found when conducting an autopsy.

    I will be surprised if he isn't charged with something.

    Demonstrators march day after Lyoya funeral

    Marchers carried signs that said, “Black Lives Matter,” and “no justice no peace.” Some wore shirts with Patrick’s face on them. When the group reached Breonna Taylor Way at Monroe Center, Taylor’s cousin led a chant in her honor.


    It's fucking disgusting the way niggers who are little better than neanderthals are allowed to lead this country around by the nose.
