Sunday, April 03, 2022

Ford recalling over 700,000 dangerously defective SUVs and trucks

By "W"
Sat, Apr 2, 2022 12:33 p.m.

Ford recalling over 700,000 dangerously defective SUVs and trucks

Ford must not be Diverse enough. Never forget: Diversity is Our Strength....

N.S.: Or maybe it is plenty diverse, and that's why it variously sent out and sold over $2 billion in defective vehicles.

1 comment:

  1. Genocide through black assembly line incompetence--with mostly Whites buying new vehicles.Where are the headlines--"a disparate amount of Whites are being killed in defective vehicles that blacks contributed to building."

    "Sssssh,"says the media.

    But blacks,who voluntarily ignored any type of Covid health protocol(common sense stuff i.e.:no parties,porch gatherings)then complained about Covid disparity between the races--with plenty of msm amplification.
