Monday, April 25, 2022

a lot of attractive female Russian tennis players banned from Wimbledon

By "W"
Mon, Apr 25, 2022 10:06 p.m.

a lot of attractive female Russian tennis players banned from Wimbledon


  1. This reminds me of the mindless anti Apartheid bans against South African athletes back in the day, as if these athletes are personally responsible for their government policy. The biggest hypocrites were the New Zealanders' vitriolic hypocrisy against the Sprinboks rugby team, whilst their society was perpetratrating worse discrimination against the Maoris. It's a hystoric irony that Russian athletes are the victims of this acontextual discrimination, as South Africa has abstained from worldwide condemnation of Russia, because of the then Soviet Union's alliance with the ANC government to overthrow the civilized political stewards of South Africa.

  2. In other "raindrops falling into the ocean" examples,don't forget to boycott Russian vodka,cancel your vacation trip to beautiful Siberia and delete your account at "".

    That'll hurt 'em--NOT.


  3. "The biggest hypocrites were the New Zealanders' vitriolic hypocrisy against the Springboks rugby team, whilst their society was perpetratrating worse discrimination against the Maoris"

    The New Zealand rugby team called the All Blacks. They wear all black uniforms. I remember that incident well. Some American black their major concern was that a team of all whitey players was called the All Blacks. They thought the name was some sort of insult directed against them. It was explained that name was not descriptive of skin color but rather the color of the uniforms. Explained over and over, slowly, in the most simplest terms possible. But never acknowledged as understood.
