Thursday, March 31, 2022

China Takes over the Solomon Islands — and the Pacific

By N.S.


  1. I love reading blogs like this one. Your page has a lot of new information. Well done.pied piper jacket

  2. jerry pdx
    This is happening while Western eyes are focused on the Ukraine. Not only that, the Chinese are infiltrating US academia and turning it against us:

    From the article:

    "For more than 70 years, the Chinese Communist Party has invested extraordinary effort into infiltrating and co-opting America's academia," Gershaneck says. "Academic infiltration and subversion are vital elements of the Communist Party's political warfare against the U.S., and to this end its United Front and intelligence organizations aggressively target America's universities, individual scholars, think tanks, and even K-12 teachers and students."

    The effort has been successful. I am told there are "thousands" of professors on Beijing's payroll in California universities.

    China is about to put even more effort into taking over foreign institutions of higher education. "Chinese ruler Xi Jinping in a major speech in September stressed that it is a regime priority to attract foreign professionals to transfer state-of-the-art scientific know-how to China, saying this is crucial to China's technological self-reliance and national rejuvenation," says Burton, the Canadian academic now at the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute.

  3. China a sailing nation but not a deep-water nation of sailors as the European has been. Now the Chinese see what is being done they are copying. Solomon Islanders too despised but used by the Chinese.
