Thursday, February 03, 2022

White Bridgewater College Shooting Suspect Alexander Campbell Facing Murder Charges, Held without Bail; His Mother Says He’s Insane

The shooter killed campus safety officer J.J. Jefferson and campus police officer John Painter

By N.S.

“Cheryl Campbell, the suspect’s mother, told the richmond times-dispatch on Wednesday that her son had mental health issues.

“‘My son is mentally ill and he did something that I could not control and no one could come to help him,’ Cheryl Campbell said. “‘I’m sorry for what has happened. I could not prevent it.’”

“Asked for specifics on his mental illness, she told the paper, ‘I just don’t even know how to respond to that. As a parent, I have not been able to help him because he’s a legal adult.’”

“‘It’s not about gun control. It is not,’ she told the paper. ‘It is about mental illness and how we have no control over that, the way society is right now. I can’t help my son.’”

N.S.: I feel bad the mom. My hunch: Paranoid schizophrenia, and he refused to take his meds, or developed a tolerance for them.

I have relatives like that. For years, they’ve told everyone that I’m an “undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.” It’s true that I have not been diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic. It’s also true that I avoid many of my relatives for years at a time. The ones who aren’t paranoid schizophrenics tend to be communists who support the paranoid schizophrenics.

“Bridgewater College Shooting Suspect Alexander Campbell Facing Murder Charges, Held without Bail”

Murder defendant Alexander Campbell


  1. He IS insane--NEVER shoot the White guy in these instances--now we're -1.The black and White deaths evened out(numberswise),but the perp will be in the big house for awhile.

    Minus 1.


  2. Everyone has crazy relatives,but blacks like to believe,"You only shoot the ones you love."

    Holidays are dangerous times in the hood.And weekends,dinnertime...

  3. "refused to take his meds, or developed a tolerance for them."

    Tolerance and refusal both probably. That is why the docs insist on you seeing them for mental problems every three months. Must determine if the dosages need to be adjusted.
