Tuesday, February 01, 2022

They Even Got Whoopi Goldberg! Partially, Anyway: Otherwise PC, Unfunny "Comedian" Suspended from The View, after She Made Insufficiently PC Holocaust Comments

By N.S.

Back in 1996, this writer was “fired” from a non-paying columnist gig with a free weekly newspaper in Far Rockaway, Straight Talk, for something I wrote about the Holocaust. Had I denied the Shoah? Not at all. Rather, I merely criticized a Holocaust-profiteer named Daniel J. Goldhagen, who was a young history professor at Harvard, whereupon a local political hack rabbi wrote a letter to the weekly denouncing me as “a rabid anti-Semite.”

“Whoopi Goldberg Suspended from The View Following Holocaust Comments”



  1. I'll repeat my philosophy:Let Whoopi Goldberg say what she wants(without incurring punishment)--THAT'S what the show is supposed to be--an opinion show(mostly liberal,unfortunately).To improve "The View" and make the show fair,White people should be allowed to sit across from Whoopie--and recite to her the ways that blacks like her are ruining the country(without that person incurring punishment).

    And let the ratings decide if she should be removed--which is how the Roseanne situation should have been handled.I believe,honest,uncensored arguments would probably bring gigantic Nielsen numbers.

    To put it another way,if they censor Whoopie Goldberg,what will "the powers that be" do to the rest of us?


  2. Karen Johnson the negress changed her name to Goldberg to ingratiate herself with the Hollywood Joo-ish producers? Bet it is so.

    Actually I have thought Karen Johnson the negress did some good acting at one point. Looks like a beached whale now.
