Friday, February 04, 2022

Justin Trudeau’s Life as an Oppressed black man

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 2:00:00 P.M. EST

Babylon Bee Quotes Trudeau as Claiming to be an Oppressed black

(Babylon Bee) OTTAWA—A “freedom convoy” of Canadian truckers is on its way to Ottawa in protest of vaccine mandates. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pushing back at accusations of tyrannical government overreach by claiming the truckers just hate him because he’s black.

“‘As a proud black man, this is the kind of discrimination I have faced my whole life,’ said Trudeau in a nationwide address over Zoom. “These truckers are a bunch of racist white men. They’re probably not even gay.’”

“‘They only hate me, because I’m black!’”

Trudeau, who is currently quarantining in spite of a negative COVID-19 test, also sent off dozens of angry letters to “whoever hires truckers” because of all the racism. While literally shaking, he wrote, “If you oppose vaccines you are racist, sexist, and think a Snow White remake is a good idea.”

His intern passed the letters on to Canadian Mounties who rode to the four corners of Canada to take the message to the people.

Trudeau, who is suspiciously not black-looking, was offended when members attempted to spin his statement, suggesting he was merely close to the black community.

“‘I am not speaking metaphorically,’ said Trudeau. ‘Look at my skin. It’s as black as night. It’s midnight black!’”

“‘If you weren’t so naively color blind, you’d understand,’ he added.”

At publishing time, President Biden lent his support to Trudeau, calling him a “‘surprisingly articulate black fella.’”

GRA: In this deranged world we have now, Trudeau saying this, isn’t so far fetched.


N.S.: With the Bee’s stingers losing some of their sharpness of late, our own GRA has graciously volunteered to act as a BB “guest-stinger,” for which I thank him.


  1. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
    As the great Patriot,Patrick Henry said over 250 years ago:"I regret that I have but one deadly stinger to give up for my country."


  2. Like this for example?

    (GRA)The "Babylon Bee"--an obscure website,based out of Jupiter,Florida--told their families(mostly),in an on-line announcement on Friday,that they would be delving into political and topical humor,via a mixture of parody and exaggeration,"very soon"--perhaps as early as the 2022 November elections--thereby discarding their current formula of whatever it is they do.

    Indeed,except for the occasional mention of the "Bee"--and the reprinting of their mostly bland articles by blogsites like NSU and breitbart--a scant number of Americans would even know of their existence.

    "BB" articles--have circulated on the blogosphere for years--with few knowing of the actual intent or purpose of those reports.

    The focus now--the company's CEO says--will be to make its readers laugh intentionally--a welcome change from some of its past material--which includes:

    "How You Know You've Watched Too Much Fox News"

    "The Vaxx is Safe(We're Kidding)"

    "The 2020 Election Wasn't Stolen(We're Kidding)"

    "Joe Biden is Clumsy and Crazy(We're NOT Kidding)"

    Its current stock price of zero dollars and zero cents was unchanged from before the announcement,because--as many stock analysts put it--"no one seemed to give a s**t."


  3. I do like a good portion of their stuff--some of it is quite funny--though other publications like the "Lampoon" were better.With parody,the reaction will not be universal,but the way our government(and others like Canada and Australia)are acting,we need this humor to help keep our sanity.
