Friday, February 04, 2022

Half of the Penn Women’s Swimming and Diving Team Signed a Letter Opposing Permitting Man Will Thomas (aka Lia Thomas) to Compete as a Woman, after Penn Lied, and Said the Team Supported Will

By N.S.

“16 Penn Swimmers Say transgender teammate Lia Thomas Shouldn't be Allowed to Compete”

“Sixteen teammates of Penn transgender swimmer Lia Thomas sent a letter to the school and the Ivy League arguing that Thomas has an unfair advantage in the pool and shouldn't be allowed to compete.”

16 Penn Swimmers Say transgender teammate Lia Thomas shouldn't be Allowed to Compete [Video] (


  1. jerry pdx
    Imagine being a 5' 6" bio female swimmer and looking into the other lane and seeing that dude in it. He's a 6 footer at least with a long angular skeletal frame and a body that has had testosterone coursing through it his whole life giving him muscular density bio women just don't have. That bio female swimmer "knows" she's gonna lose and knows that it doesn't matter how hard she trains, she'll always lose to that man. And not even the best female swimmers will ever beat that man. All that talk about equity and fairness...what a load.

  2. Gee,"Lia" has got an advantage. Ya think? This is liberalism taken to.the outer limits. He pretends to be a girl and we are all obligated to pretend with him, on threat of being labeled a bigot. Anyone who has a rudimentary knowledge of sports science knows that testosterone is only one part of the picture. He still has a man's bone and muscle density as well as a man's lung capacity. Why else do you think that this thing is demolishing women's records. Additionally it still has a dick and by its own admission still fucks girls.

    This is the perfect storm of victims groups' rights though. Women are being forced to band together and defend their femininity against this absurdity. For once it's not men being assaulted with made up claims of sexual harassment. Pass the popcorn.

  3. Some stories you can't even comment on.


  4. >Half of the Penn Women’s Swimming and Diving Team

    Only half? -- bizarre.

    Leaving aside the cultural degeneracy that is allowing even the possibility of M2F transgenders participating in women's sports, obviously growing up as a biological male means he has the body and muscle mass of a biological male, which is a big advantage, and I don't see how such a big advantage can be mitigated by testosterone suppression therapy; currently a M2F transgender can compete in women's sports after a year of testosterone suppression therapy.

    Board of Governors updates transgender participation policy

    The policy is effective starting with the 2022 winter championships. Transgender student-athletes will need to document sport-specific testosterone levels beginning four weeks before their sport's championship selections. Starting with the 2022-23 academic year, transgender student-athletes will need documented levels at the beginning of their season and a second documentation six months after the first. They will also need documented testosterone levels four weeks before championship selections. Full implementation would begin with the 2023-24 academic year.

    The NCAA update says nothing about testosterone limits, but elsewhere you can read that the levels must meet/not exceed sport specific limits (link) -- I do not know what the sport specific limits are, including how they compare to the levels of a typical male vs a typical female -- ?

    I don't see how this supposed change will make much of a difference -- the NCAA is just seeking to deflect criticism by aligning itself with international practice, not make competitions fair for women.

  5. "‘Her Rankings … Have Bounced From #462 As A Male To #1 As A Female’"

    This he/she/it swimmer was ranked at # 462 as a boy but is # 1 as a girl. And beats the girls by extraordinary amounts. How much greater would the real boy swimmers beat the girls then? By extraordinary amounts even more. Damn.

    Lia he/she/it still has his boy gentitals. Parades around the locker room with the girls totally exposed. Most other places that is a serious crime for which he/she/it can do serious time and be on the sex registry for life.

  6. "The policy is effective starting with the 2022 winter championships. Transgender student-athletes will need to document sport-specific testosterone levels beginning four weeks before their sport's championship selections. "

    If the private parts are still there on a male who claims to be a female who cares about testosterone levels?
