Wednesday, February 02, 2022

black ucla philosophy lecturer, "Dr." Matthew Harris, Who Merely Threatened to Commit Mass Murder in the Course of 800-Page Manifesto Arrested in Boulder, as Irresponsible fbi neglects Its Job of Keeping White supremacists Under 24/7 Surveillance!

daily mail: Warning: Repetitious:

N.S.: Note that the authorities have already "disappeared" Harris' manifesto.

By James N. Kennett
February 1, 2022

Matthew Harris, a postdoctoral diversity hire, was suspended from UCLA last year for sending “personal pornographic content” to a student. Now he exhibits frank psychosis.

The 800-page manifesto was pulled from Google Drive. There are screenshots of individual pages at

Harris’ YouTube channel with 300 videos has also been pulled.

Earlier student complaints are at:

He had attended the “2018 Leadership Alliance National Symposium.”

The website of the Leadership Alliance declares:

We are a national consortium of major U.S. higher education institutions, and private industry united by a shared mission— to develop underrepresented students into outstanding leaders and role models in academia, the public, and the private sector.

The Leadership Alliance is a professional family and a career builder that brings together the best minds and the best ideas to promote cultural diversity in the workforce.


  1. "'da war is comin,' Harris wrote, according to the LA Times. 'forward dis [expletive] to our tha goldhead caucasoid princess.'"

    "Harris, who is Black, used the N-word in his manifesto, overt sexual language, antisemitic language and proclaimed 'death to my enemies.'"

    Maybe DA WAR already going on for some time??

  2. jerry pdx
    Hungarian PM Viktor Orban would rather "cut off my own hand than allow Hungary to become an immigrant country like Germany":
    Can we elect him President here in the US? Maybe we can find an Obama style birth certificate that says he was born here.

  3. blacks have diluted the greatness of our country in the same amount as adding a gallon of water to a punchbowl full of liquor would.


  4. “personal pornographic content”

    Exposing his negro genitals to a whitey girl student?
