Sunday, January 30, 2022

Woman Who Jumped from NYC High-Rise Identified as Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst

By R.C.
Sun, Jan 30, 2022 6:16 p.m.

Woman Who Jumped from NYC High-Rise Identified as Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst


  1. jerry pdx
    Our local "news"paper the Oregonian publishes and "expose" of the school system that blames low black and hispanic achievement levels on everything in the world (especially Whites), except themselves.

    According to the article the system is stacked against them from age 6. This from the article:

    Low expectations, poor teacher training, outdated curricula and a revolving door of leadership all continue to doom the vast majority of the district’s Black and brown children to a lifetime of diminished opportunities, starting when they are just 6 and 7 years old.

    Blacks are a year behind in reading but math is even worse. This also from the article:

    Results were even worse in math. Black and Latino fourth-graders were about 2 1/2 years behind, on average. Latino eighth-graders were 3 1/2 years behind. Most shockingly, Black eighth-graders were about where they should be at mid-year of fourth grade.

    This also from the article:

    District leaders also missed other opportunities to deliver on their promise: Despite bountiful federal funding to fuel improvements, summer and after-school programs have so far done little to address gaps for Black and Latino students. District leaders also chose not to add instructional time in core subjects and failed to effectively address the revolving door of principals and teachers leaving schools that serve communities of color.

    Schools predominantly attended by students of color and children from low-income households are subject to a revolving door of both principals and teachers. District leaders have repeatedly pledged to address that problem but have not stemmed the chur

    I have to wonder, why do "high needs" schools (you know, predominantly black and latino) have such a turnover rate? Maybe it's the violent, racist behavior of blacks and hispanics? It seemed to easy to clean things up on the Blackboard Jungle, why doesn't reality reflect that?

    Too bad the Big O dropped readers comments, they would have had a field day with this one. But that's one of the reasons the comment section got eliminated.

  2. jerry pdx
    Howard Hesseman of WKRP in Cincinnati has died at age 81:
    I loved WKRP, it ranks with Taxi as my two favorite sitcoms of all time. While it promoted what would have been defined as PC ideology in those days, it was still smartly written and hilarious. The two funniest scenes in sitcom history (IMHO) are when Reverend Jim took the driving test on Taxi and when Mr. Carlson and Herb Tarlek dropped turkey's from a plane as an advertising stunt. "As God as my witness, I thought turkey's could fly" Possibly the funniest line ever.

    Hesseman died if complications of colon surgery, I wonder if they'll try to blame it on Covid.

  3. I JUST mentioned the Neil Young song "Expecting to Fly."0% success rate attempting that.

  4. jerry pdx
    Muslim gunmen execute Christian priests in Pakistan:
    Good thing Islam is the religion of peace, imagine the carnage if it wasn't.

  5. Jerry,
    The 70s--quite a decade for sit-coms--the 80s,not so much(except for "Cheers"),the 90s were good again with "Frazier","Seinfeld","Wings","Friends" et al.

    Today?If you like watching Whitey be the butt of jokes by blacks--it's a "golden era".Otherwise,I save on the electric bill.

  6. “'Not only beautiful but she was smart — she was a lawyer,' a police source said of Kryst. 'She has [had] a life that anyone would be jealous of. … It’s so sad.'”

    My friends an I all expressed the sentiment after 2020 never to have even the slightest bit of sympathy for the black in America ever again, no matter what. But after you read a story like this you cannot but have some degree of sympathy. Hard to say what made her jump. Seems to be the great success story.


  7. "I have to wonder, why do 'high needs' schools (you know, predominantly black and latino) have such a turnover rate?"

    Teachers not able to do serious teaching with success for the students. Fruitless endeavor merely spinning the wheels of education.

    Dangerous too. Teaching in a high school [or even a grammar school] with a "predominant" minority population hazardous. Students attacking teachers with great force and intent to do harm hardly a rarity.
