Monday, January 31, 2022

Was Neil Young Involved in the Milwaukee Mass Murder?

[Re: “‘It was Execution-Style’: Vic’s Cousin Describes Scene of 6 Murders.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, January 31, 2022 at 12:28:00 P.M. EST

(Milwaukee Sentinel)
dead blacks (and occupation guessed by GRA)
Caleb Jordan, 23 (porch babysitter)
Javoni Liddell, 31 (unemployed)
Charles Hardy, 42 (retired)
Donald Smith, 43 (not looking for work)
Donta Williams,44 (mailbox checker)
Michelle Williams, 49 (supervisor of other five)

Each of the victim’s families has been notified, according to medical examiner records. [GRA: All of the relatives were notified—that they’re suspects—if the cops were smart.]

The bodies were found Sunday afternoon at a home near North 21st and West Wright streets. [GRA: Avoid the area—more shootings to come.]

Officers initially were called for a welfare check. [“Where’s my damn welfare check?”]

They found five victims first and later discovered the sixth [GRA: Like Columbus discovered America?]

Milwaukee police officers were back at the home Monday, executing a search warrant [GRA: Pointless; N.S.: If the property was already a corpse-filled crime scene, there could be no legal requirement for getting a search warrant].

Investigators with K-9 teams searched the perimeter of the property, collecting evidence [“ARF”—sniffer dog probably getting a nose full of coke, crack, fentanyl, heroin, ribs and weed.]

It’s not clear how long they were dead when their bodies were found [GRA: I’m guessing, since the day they wuz shot.]

Police said they were investigating the deaths as homicides [GRA: Really? Not accidents?].

“We were told that it was execution-style,” Tiffany Cole-Whittington said [GRA: As opposed to what, “friendly”?]

Police have not provided those details [GRA: No mo’ info will be released—if they’re like other police departments].

Her cousin, Michelle Williams, was one of the victims.

“There was no bad bone in her body [GRA: Someone disagreed]. She was not a bad person by any means [GRA: By whose standards? black or anyone else?]. She would give, and give and give,” Cole-Whittington said [GRA: She gave about 4-6 quarts of blood—it sounds like].

She said her cousin’s husband, brother-in-law and three others were the victims [GRA: Someone purchased the “Famblee Shooting Discount Plan”—five relatives shot—sixth one free].

Police have not released any suspect descriptions [GRA: b l a c k].

They declined the opportunity to speak Monday to wisn 12 [Never to be spoken of again—or solved].

So far, the murder weapon has not been recovered [GRA: The thugs didn’t put a ribbon and a bow on it—and leave it on the steps?].

The motive for the killings remains unclear

(GRA: Forecast: Continued cloudy. No motive needed—as we all know—retribution, money, drugs, bad hair day, Neil Young quit Spotify, etc.)


1 comment:

  1. "Officers initially were called for a welfare check. ['Where’s my damn welfare check?']"

    That is just so funny!!
